30. The Last Straw

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Wynter set Mitsi down when they reached the stables. Elodie accompanied them, but Colette was still near the house, speaking with Cyrus. "Wait with Ellie," Wynter instructed. Mitsi nodded and dashed over to her.

Elodie touched her shoulder gently while they waited. Minutes later, Wynter emerged from the stable, leading Bruma behind him. Mitsi grabbed Elodie's hand, jerking it as she jumped excitedly.

"It's a horse!" She exclaimed. "It's a real horse!"

"Do you like horses?" Wynter asked, stroking Bruma's muzzle.

Mitsi nodded. "I've never seen a real one though. He's so big!"

"His name is Bruma." Wynter beckoned Mitsi over. She let go of Elodie hesitantly and joined him. Elodie smiled as Wynter took Mitsi's hand and held it up so Bruma could sniff her. Her cousin laughed as Bruma's breath ruffled her curls.

Mitsi didn't even reach Bruma's shoulder. The horse towered over her, the size difference almost making Elodie nervous. She crossed her arms, pursing her lips. Wynter seemed to pick up on her feelings. He guided Mitsi back, then gave a series of commands to Bruma in the form of tongue clicks and short tugs on his lead rope. Bruma snorted as he lowered himself to the ground, curving his legs beneath his massive body.

Wynter let Bruma's head rest in his lap while he petted the stallion's neck. He gave Mitsi a nod, and caught Elodie's eye. Mitsi drew close again. She combed her fingers through Bruma's mane, then sprawled over his back, letting her arms rest on his stomach.

"Maybe you shouldn't do that, Mitsi," Elodie said.

"It's all right." Wynter offered her a hand. Elodie took it and let him pull her down beside him. "Bruma won't move unless I tell him to."

"Are you sure?" She looked past him, watching with concern as Mitsi stroked Bruma's furry flank.

"It's safe, Ellie. I've been working with him for years, remember? I know Bruma's limits. He's fine. Look at him."

Elodie followed his gaze down to Bruma's head. The horse closed his eyes and gave a contented huff. "How heavy is he?" Elodie asked.

"Heavy enough that my legs will fall asleep if I don't move him soon," Wynter chuckled. "And if I don't move him, he'll fall asleep." He patted Bruma's shoulder. "Lazy spoiled horse."

"He's so warm," Mitsi mumbled, her face pressed into Bruma's side. "Warmer than Ellie."

"Here, Mitsi. I need your help with something." Wynter formed an ice cube in his palm and gave it to Mitsi. "Put your hand out flat near his lips. When he tries to reach it, lift your hand so that he has to stand."

Mitsi nodded and Elodie picked her up. Mitsi held the cube out to Bruma. His bright eyes opened and he scrambled to his hooves. Wynter was quick to stand, backing out of his way. Elodie rose and Mitsi lifted her hand higher, until Bruma stood fully. Mitsi giggled as he licked the ice cube off her palm.

"Do you want to ride him?" Wynter asked.

"Yes!" Mitsi gasped. She held her arms out to Wynter and let him swing her onto the stallion's back.

Wynter turned to Elodie. "You should ride with her. Her legs are too short to hold onto him properly."

"I've never ridden him without a saddle," Elodie protested.

"It's all right. Just squeeze his sides with your legs when you get on. Not too hard, but hard enough that you won't fall. Hold onto Mitsi, and if you need to, hold onto Bruma's mane. Just don't pull on it."

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