24. By a Thread

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Elodie hurried through the streets, hood pulled tightly over her head. The night was particularly cold, promising a heavy snowstorm to come. Already, dozens of tiny flakes drifted through the air. Elodie rounded a corner, then yelped as her feet slid out beneath her.

A male voice hollered in shock as he went down too, hitting the ice covered ground beside her. Lev Baird lifted his head. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, catching sight of Elodie.

"Ellie? By the Cauldron, I'm sorry." He leaped to his feet and offered her a hand. Elodie took it hesitantly. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. I was in a hurry and didn't look where I was going," she murmured.

"I never see you around anymore. How have things been going for you?"

"Things have been fine," Elodie lied. "I really need to go, Lev."

"You're going to see Wynter?" She didn't answer. Lev sighed, pulling his scarf off as Elodie shivered. She didn't protest when he tugged her hood down and wrapped the scarf around her throat. Lev replaced her hood and stepped back. "Bad weather is coming. If the storm starts while you're at Wynter's, you should see if you can just stay there overnight. I don't have to remind you how dangerous snow storms can be."

Elodie bit her lip, staring at the ground. "Thank you." She stepped around Lev and carried on her way.

The snowfall had noticeably begun when she reached the gates of the townhouse. The guards were already shaking their heads. "You know he won't see you," one of them said. "You should get home before the storm grows worse."

"So should you," Elodie replied. "I'm sure Wynter doesn't want you to freeze to death out here, and it doesn't seem like he intends to shield the grounds tonight. He would've already done it if he was going to."

The guards glanced at one another, then nodded. "Make sure our prince still breathes, would you?" The second guard asked as he followed the first away from the gates. Elodie nodded, even as her heart faltered, and let herself onto the grounds.

The second set of guards, Alastair and whomever had been hired to replace Cyrus, were already leaving when she reached the front door. "If he asks, I did not see or speak to you," Alastair said. "I don't intend to lose my job because of your little crush."

Little crush? Elodie arched an eyebrow. She didn't bother with a response and merely brushed past the guards.

She was surprised to find the door unlocked. It swung open silently and she entered the house. Elodie kept her cloak on, but removed Lev's scarf. She hung it on a hook near the door before venturing deeper into the house.

Not a single candle or strand of faelight was lit. She didn't see flames on the hearths either. Elodie drifted up the stairs, her hand coasting along the banister. The air seemed to grow colder with every step. She pulled her cloak tighter around herself.

Worry clutched her mind as the thread in her chest went taut, icy numbness radiating from it. She rubbed her sternum, brows knit in confusion. The cold was worsening, the closer to Wynter's room she came. Frost coated windows and her breath formed a white cloud in the air. Elodie shivered violently.

"I need something warmer," she whispered to the house.

Instantly, her clothes and cloak changed. Instead of her old gown, she now wore a thick pair of fleece lined pants, fluffy socks, and a long sleeved shirt complete with a hood. A blanket was draped over her shoulders. Elodie breathed a small sigh of relief and nudged Wynter's door open.

"Wyn?" She called hesitantly, gazing about the room.

It was completely dark, just like the rest of the house. She stumbled blindly inside. Faelights embedded in the ceiling twinkled to life. They cast a soft glow over Elodie's surroundings. Wynter's bed was made, and there was no sign of him anywhere. Her heart pounded as her mouth ran dry.

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