33. Complete and Shining

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Wynter's heart raced as he kissed Ellie, instincts pounding through his veins. He waited though, giving himself time to work through the nervousness that clung to him. What if he began to panic? What if he couldn't do this? What if...

Ellie's fingers combed through his hair, untying it and letting it fall over his shoulders. She kissed his temple, then his cheek. Wynter buried his face in her neck, breathing in her warm scent as he pressed soft kisses to her skin.

He wouldn't panic. He could do this. He wanted this. He wanted her. He wanted his mate. She wouldn't ask him to do anything he was uncomfortable with. She would respect his boundaries. He was safe. This was his room. This was his bed. This was his mate. The Bond in his chest continued to hum with energy.

"I'm going to go slow," Wynter murmured, easing his hands beneath Ellie's sweater and tugging it over her head. "For both our sake's. Tell me if you're uncomfortable."

"Only if you do the same."

Wynter smiled and Ellie mirrored it. He smoothed hair from her face, leaning down to kiss her. With his other hand, he began unbuttoning the pants she wore. His fingers brushed her skin, and Ellie shivered.

"May I..." she began, running her hands over the folds of his tunic.

"Not yet," Wynter replied. "Let me get used to you first. Is that all right?" Ellie nodded.

He eased her leg out of her pants and the other soon followed. Wynter moved away from her face and curved his lips over a few ridged scars on her stomach. He glanced at Ellie in time to see her lean her head back, throat bobbing. Her aroused scent reached him and Wynter swallowed a pleased growl.

He trailed kisses down her thigh, lifting her leg and moving it to the side as he did so. Mother above, she was beautiful. Her skin was so soft and warm. "Fingers or tongue?" He asked, heat pooling low in his stomach.

"What?" Ellie rasped.

Wynter chuckled to himself, tucking his fingers beneath the line of her underwear. "Fingers or tongue? Which would you prefer?"

"I...I didn't know those were options." A flush crept into her cheeks. "I don't know."

He slid her underwear off and returned to her side, tilting her face towards him. Her crystal eyes were wide with excitement and nervousness. Wynter pressed his forehead to hers, kissing her gently. He carefully removed her last article of clothing, letting his gaze sweep over her.

"Fingers will mimic how it will feel when I'm inside you," Wynter whispered. "Tongue will be a little more gentle."

Ellie swallowed. "I don't know. Which will you be more comfortable with?"

"I don't know," he echoed with an amused huff. After a moment, he decided. "I want to see your face, since this is our first time. Fingers."

Ellie nodded, her lips curling into a stunning smile. Wynter kissed her as he dipped his hand between her legs. His thumb stroked the slick heat that was coiled there. Ellie gasped, squirming at his touch.

"Just relax," Wynter murmured. He angled his hips partially onto hers, holding her steady. "Is this all right?"

She nodded, closing her eyes. Wynter brushed kisses along her throat, working his hand against her. He kept his touch gentle, but firm, coaxing small gasps and whimpers from Ellie's lips. Her hips shifted against his in silent demand. Wynter kept his gaze on her face as he slid the tip of his finger inside her. She tensed, her eyes opening.

Wynter held her close, pressing his cheek to hers and kissing the spot below her ear. "Don't tense up, my Love. It's all right. I won't hurt you."

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