35. Promise of Penance

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    There were no guards at the gates when they arrived at the townhouse. "That's odd," Lev muttered, helping Elodie up the slick walkway. "Did Wynter fire more of his guards?"

    "No," she replied through gritted teeth. "Some of them were supposed to join him and Cyrus. They might've left to do that before I warned Wynter that we were coming here. Or..." She paused, gulping down a few deep breaths as pain spasmed through her side. "Or they're inside with the children."

    One guard was on duty near the front door of the house. Alastair narrowed his eyes, spying Lev. "You were told never to come back here."

    "It's all right, Alastair," Elodie said. "He's with me."

    "Will that be enough to spare me from Wynter's wrath?" Lev asked, voice quieter than a whisper.

    Elodie didn't reply. She eased herself away from Lev and sat on the snow covered stairs, struggling to regain her breath. Sticky warmth coated her side. She knew her uncle's blow had gone deeper than she initially thought. She would tend to the wound as soon as she had time.

    "Are my cousins inside, Alastair?" She asked.

    "They are."

    "Where are the rest of the guards?"

    "Some are with Wynter, and others are patrolling the grounds, waiting for your uncle to arrive."

    Elodie nodded, drawing her knees up to her chest as she shivered. I should've worn a thicker sweater, or brought a cloak along, she thought.

    Lev sat down beside her and Alastair shifted a few feet away. "I still can't apologize enough for what I did to you," he murmured.

    Elodie exhaled slowly. "You weren't thinking clearly. It doesn't excuse what you did, but it explains your behavior. I know you're a good male. That's why I knew I could trust you to help me get here."

    Lev bit his lip, nodding. He was silent for several minutes, then asked, "Are you and Wynter together?"

    "Engaged." Elodie flashed her ring with a small smile.

    "Congratulations. I'm glad he finally stopped ignoring you."

    "I suppose I could thank you for that. He started accepting my visits after..."

    Lev rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "At least something good came out of it. I hope..." He bolted to his feet as two figures appeared at the front gates. Alastair tensed, his hand falling to the hilt of his sword. Elodie braced her hand on the marble railing and lifted herself, wincing as the movement jarred her injured side.

    "I told you there was nowhere you could go," Ebner spat. "You and the children are coming with me."

    "They're not going anywhere." Lev angled himself between Ebner and Elodie.

    "I am their guardian. They don't have my permission to be here."

    "Elodie is a grown female. She can make her own choices," Alastair spat.

    "The children can't."

    Elodie nudged Lev aside. "You're a fool if you think I would leave my cousins with you, especially after everything you've done."

    "And you're a fool if you think you'll be safe from me."

    "They are under the protection of the Guard," Alastair growled. "If you make one move to harm them, you will face severe consequences at the hands of our High Lord and Lady." Ebner began to speak, but Alastair continued, cutting him off. "And, I would suggest you think very carefully on your actions in the future, as they are not inclined to show mercy to those who harm members of their family."

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