26. Yearning Desires

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    The first thing Elodie realized was that she'd remained warm all night. For once in her life, the blankets and pajamas that covered her were thick enough to protect her from the cold. The second thing she noticed was the comfortable weight settled around her. Elodie rubbed her eyes with a yawn, letting herself adjust to the dim light seeping into the room.

    At some point in the night, she had rolled over, but Wynter still held her. He'd pulled her against his chest. One of his legs rested between her knees and his arm was draped over her waist. Elodie blushed, feeling his hand against her bare skin beneath her shirt. His other hand was buried in her hair. An unfamiliar sensation curled in the pit of her stomach as Wynter sighed, his breath coasting her neck and earlobe.

    Elodie craned her neck, looking back at him. He was still soundly sleeping, not a trace of unnatural blueness left in his pale skin. She gave a resigned groan and disentangled herself from Wynter. It had never been so hard to get out of bed. His features shifted and his soft grunt of protest almost convinced her to stay. Almost.

    Elodie crept out of bed, careful not to disturb him. She ducked into the bathroom to relieve herself, before asking the house to conjure a brush and a set of clothes for her. Elodie smoothed tangles from her hair, then looked over the clothes she'd been given.

    Instead of the gown she'd expected, she found a set of black pants. Their insides were lined with a soft material that she couldn't identify. The pants appeared to be fitted around the hips and thighs, before widening at the knees. They were long enough that she thought they'd cover her feet completely.

    Beside the pants were two shirts. One was a gray turtleneck with long sleeves that ended in flared cuffs. The shirt itself mimicked the cuffs, flaring out below the midriff. The second shirt was more of a sweater really. It was cream colored and a little oversized, with a wider neckline than she normally wore. Elodie bit her lip, tracing her fingers over the clothes.

    At last, she sighed and shook her head. "I need my old clothes back, if you don't mind. My uncle will know these aren't mine." Her old gown, now freshly washed, appeared beside the clothes. Elodie dressed swiftly and returned to the bedroom.

    Wynter was still asleep, quiet sounds slipping past his lips every few minutes. Elodie glanced out the window. The sun was rising. She'd have to hurry to get to the house before she was expected to wake the children. The thick snow coating the streets would slow her down. Elodie sat at a table, where a small breakfast was waiting for her. There was a steaming bowl of oatmeal, complete with slices of strawberries, bananas, and a few blueberries.

    Elodie stared at the bowl in surprise, then took a hesitant mouthful. Sorry, Mother, she thought, but I might have a new favorite dish. She emptied the bowl in a few bites and drained her cup of tea. The dishes vanished, and Elodie grabbed a pen and piece of paper off Wynter's desk. She wrote a hasty letter to Viviane and pocketed it.

    Elodie crossed the room, pausing beside Wynter. She pursed her lips, thinking. Maybe I should stay. After what happened yesterday, he shouldn't be alone. What if he needs me and I'm not here? But what will Uncle Ebner do to me if he finds out?

    She closed her eyes, searching for the thread that glowed faintly in her chest. Elodie touched it and another quiet whimper passed from Wynter's lips. She exhaled slowly. I think I'll know if he needs me, and...maybe I can reach him this way again if I have to. He'll be all right for a few hours. I'll come back as soon as I'm able.

    Elodie opened her eyes as Wynter rolled onto his back. One of his hands rested on his stomach and the other sprawled across the bed beside him. She smiled, lifting his hand as she sat. My Dream. Why did he call me that? She wondered. Elodie's heart clenched as she looked him over.

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