"I'm only agreeing to this because we already know the story and we can get the work done soon." Taehyung says.

"So now let's divide the work." Taehyung says. He tells Jungkook which part he should take and on which topics he should make slides for their presentation. After coming to a mutual conclusion, they start working. The both of them do get a lot of work done about The Diary of a Young Girl within two hours because its one book the both of them have already read.

After getting bored and tired, they decide to call it a night. Taehyung stands up and stretches his sore muscles while Jungkook places the books away.

"Do you want some snacks, Tae?" Jungkook offers.

"What do we have?"

"Cookies, chocolates, Korean Fried Chicken, cup-" Jungkook starts telling him but he is cut off in the middle.

"Korean Fried chicken it is then." Taehyung squeals. Jungkook laughs at the boys and nods. "I'll just microwave it. You can change or take a shower if you want until then." The ravenette says. The blue haired boy quickly agrees and rushes to the bathroom while Jungkook goes to the shared kitchen of the dorm to heat up the food.

After a few minutes, the two boys are sitting on the floor of the balcony that is connected to their room. Two boxes of Korean Fried chicken and two cans of beers are placed between them. "You have no idea how hungry I was." Taehyung says, stuffing his mouth with chicken. Jungkook cannot help but think how cute the other boy looks.

The moonlight is the only source of light as they had turned off the lights of their room earlier. The moonlight makes Taehyung's blue hair even shinier. Taehyung looks so cute right now that Jungkook picks his phone and clicks a picture of the younger.

"Wait, did you just take of picture of me?" Taehyung asks looking at him with wide eyes. Jungkook just chuckles, "You're a cutie, Tae. I just couldn't not take a picture of you." Taehyung rolls his eyes at the remark but deep down, he is blushing.

Jungkook observes him closely and a smile forms on his face. His roommate is so gorgeous and Jungkook just wants to make him his. He wants to stay with Taehyung always but he wonders if Taehyung would ever accept him once he finds out who Jeon Jungkook really is.

"By the way, Tae, we never talked about ourselves, if you know what I mean." Jungkook says, chugging some beer down his throat.

"Well, that's kinda true." Taehyung nods his head.

"How about we get to know each other better?" Jungkook suggests. He sees Taehyung wondering for a while but then he hesitantly agrees. The blue haired boy knows that since the two of them are living together in a room, it is not possible to hide a lot about himself from his roommate, now is it?

"Okay, so when's your birthday?" Taehyung asks the first question.

"I thought you would know." Jungkook says with a teasing smile.

"Should I though?" Taehyung asks, eating more than drinking.

"Well, almost everyone in this university knows."

"Right. Your fans. I'm not one of them though, Jungkook. You see, I was just too busy trying to dodge my bullies and surviving." Taehyung sighs and closes his eyes for a second. Did he just sound mean to Jungkook? He really didn't mean to but something inside him made him panic when Jungkook suggested they should get to know each other better.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I-"

"It's okay, Tae. I understand. Not everyone's life revolves around me." Jungkook says with a genuine smile. He doesn't look as if he is offended or something. He wishes Taehyung's life to not revolve around him either. But he is being selfish right now. Is thinking about oneself for once such a bad thing?

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