Estelle and I had grown ridiculously close, we texted almost everyday, and she used to always come to me for advice, sometimes I'd go to her for advice, when it came to books, we could bond over that. We could bond over animals and music as well.

My Father was improving a lot. He calls to check on me when I'm with my friends, he talks with me.

Percy – well – Percy was Percy.

Piper, the elder sister who I never had, Hazel, the little sister I never had.

Callie, the girl who would ship me and Percy with everyone, without fail. And Leo, the clown. Nico, the little brother I never had.

I couldn't leave all of that for a scholarship, could I?

My thoughts were interrupted by a beeping noise.

'What was that?' I ask, half expecting some kind of bomb.
'My alarm, it's midnight,' Will says.

That patience paid off.

'Come on,' I say.
'Hold up,' Juniper says while peeking through the crack in the door. 'Coast is clear, we go straight home and contact the police there? Or do we contact them here?'
'Here seems better, I guess,'

Friday night, cars were still out, some were going to parties, and some were coming back from parties.

We woke the others up. And Callie took the key.

'Just pray – pray that nothing happens.' Callie whispers
'If God exists,' I say.
'Point – but still pray,' she says.

She sticks the key in the hole, and turns it, nothing happens. We turn the doorknob, and the door opens.

Kronos and Luke are fast asleep snoring, like the idiots they are.

'Move it,' Nico says.

We tiptoe downstairs. We somehow remember the way down, between all the confusing stairs. We see the door. Leo tries opening it.

'Oh shit,' I say. 'The door, we locked ourselves in,'
'Nothing I can't fix, just gimme a minute,'

There's silence, for some reason, all of us stop, like we heard something. But none of us are quiet sure what we heard.

'Guys?' Hazel says. 'Why did the snoring stop?'

Percy's POV

'Leo, quick, do what you have to.' I say as I hear Kronos and Luke opening the door and groaning as they realize we escape.

Leo takes a screwdriver and starts doing a few things, we don't even know what he's doing. I see Kronos and Luke above, running downstairs. Kronos looks drunk, but I think he always does; Luke on the other hand, looks scared. He probably knows we're going to expose them.

'Leo quick!' Nico says.
'Calm down.' Leo says as the door swings open.
'Who's driving?' I ask.
'I'll drive, I've slept,' Frank calmly said. 'You haven't.'

Frank takes the wheel and in the other car Piper takes the car. Annabeth goes in the other car, and I go in the other. Both of us don't even realize until the cars start. We don't pay any heed to it and continue to look at the other side of the road and wait for the police station to appear.

'Guys – they're behind us,' Frank says.

Annabeth's POV

'Shit, they're following us,' Piper speeds up.
'Hold up, don't speed up,' Hazel says.
I get her gist.
'Yeah, go at an average pace, so that they don't catch us, but just so that they don't lose us either,' I urge.

Out Of My League | Percabeth | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now