Chapter 69: I Could Fall in Love

Start from the beginning

She shrugs. "Why not? It'll be nice to use my powers for something other than poofing in and out of places," she responds.

Peter chuckles at this before questioning, "so are you gonna go by 'Amethyst Witch' now, or is it still 'Amethyst?"

Y/n scoffs. "I don't plan on telling the world that I'm a witch. I haven't even been practicing my magic yet; I've barely used it since Westview. I've been trying to feel as normal as possible but... I haven't really felt normal until like two months ago," she vents. Peter nods empathetically, he has an idea of what she's feeling. He wants a break from his double life too. "Besides, Wanda has the book and she needs it more than me. Maybe when our vacation is over, I'll contact her and ask if I can glance at it," y/n adds.

Peter nods in understanding. "A vacation is something I desperately need," he breathes out. He shuts his eyes to rest for a moment. Y/n watches him with a soft expression, knowing how much he needs this break.

"I know," she says. She places her elbow on the ground, lifting her upper body, and rests her head in her hand. "And it's going to be fun. We're going to visit many cool places and I'm going to bring my camera, and we're going to take pictures together, and I'm going to take so many of you-"

"Of just me?? Don't you already have a lot of those?" Peter whines, cutting off the girl's excited chattering. Y/n has forced Peter to do photoshoots, claiming that he's too handsome to not take hundreds of photos of.

She gapes at him, slightly offended. "No, I don't have enough! Come on, I'm a talented photographer, you always look great in the pictures... and I don't have any of you in Europe!" she claims. Peter chuckles and shakes his head.

Y/n gives him a look. "You always put me in your little vlogs and I don't complain. Let me put you in front of my camera," she argues.

The boy furrows his eyebrows. "You don't like vlogging with me?"

Y/n lightly giggles. "Peter, of course I do... but sometimes it's annoying when you unexpectedly shove a camera in my face when I'm eating or something," she admits. Peter is taken aback by this but shrugs and nods his head, understanding what she means.  "You see? I snap pictures and you vlog! Perfect combo," the girl voices.

"Yeah," Peter responds, looking at the floor as he chuckles.

(Play the song ^)

I could lose my heart tonight

If you don't turn and walk away

Y/n observes him with an adoring smile. Her heart races as she studies his messy brown curls. He glances up at her and her breath catches in her throat.

'Cause the way I feel I might

Lose control and let you stay

Peter flashes the most adorable smile. The moonlight casts a soft glow on his face, making his eyes glisten. Y/n can't help the butterflies that swarm her stomach at the sight. She's had feelings for Peter since 2018, which to her feels like nine months ago, but she knows her emotions are becoming more intense with each passing day. She fears that she'll lose control faster than she'd like and put everything on the line for him.

'Cause I could take you in my arms

And never let go

Peter averts his gaze for a second, becoming nervous when y/n smiles at him. This is his first relationship so he doesn't really know how this works. However, he's trying to be the best boyfriend he can possibly be, especially since the guy who y/n was with before him was the perfect boyfriend. He lies on his back and stretches his right arm out before glancing at his girlfriend. He pats the spot under his arm with his left hand, gesturing for her to lay down with him. "U-unless you don't want t-" he begins to nervously yap.

"No, I want to," y/n interrupts him, giving him a sweet smile. Peter gulps. "Okay," he whispers, grinning nervously at her. Y/n giggles and scoots closer, resting her head on his shoulder and snuggling into his side. He wraps his arm around her, making a small grin form on y/n's lips.

I can only wonder how

Touching you would make me feel

Peter is still quite awkward but he wants to shower y/n with as much affection as he can. He just hopes he'll gain enough confidence soon so he could do it often. It took a homecoming dance for him to realize that he had feelings for her since pretty much the day they met. So of course, he's wondered for a long time what it would be like to kiss her and caress her skin. Sure, they've hugged and cuddled before but it's different this time. The fact that they're a couple now makes doing those things even more nerve-wracking for him somehow. 

But if I take that chance right now

Tomorrow will you want me still

(Baby, will you want me?)

He'd be lying if he said that he doesn't feel like he has to live up to Jonathan. He's the man y/n was in love with before Peter was even born, and she continued to love him when she returned from the ice. Peter's not entirely sure if she's completely moved on so he's afraid that if he doesn't meet or surpass the bar Jonathan set, he'll lose her.

So I should keep this to myself

And never let you know

I could fall in love with you

(I could fall in love with you)

I could fall in love with you (Baby)

Y/n knows that she's in danger of falling in love with Peter if she hasn't already. That scares her and she doesn't know if it would scare Peter too if he knew. She is his first girlfriend, after all, meaning that he most likely has never experienced love before. It's too early in the relationship to talk about that anyway so y/n decides to keep it to herself.

Peter has had his crushes in the past but he has never felt for them what he feels for y/n. He's very inexperienced in the field of romance, but he thinks he might be in love. Of course, he's not too sure if that's the appropriate term for his feelings since he's never been in love before, but he's about 98% certain. He's discussed this with his Aunt May, who believes that he's completely in love... but who knows? Nonetheless, he can't tell y/n about that yet.

And I know it's not right

And I guess I should try

To do what I should do

But I could fall in love

Fall in love with you (Baby)

I could fall in love with you

Y/n can't stop herself from wondering if it's wrong to love Peter. Can he even fall in love with her? This is all so peculiar to her. She never thought that she could fall in love again. She never thought that she could love someone else. Jonathan Byers has always been the love of her life. Is Peter Parker going to take that title now? She could never replace Jonathan, he will always hold a special place in her heart. However, their relationship is in the past. She has to look to the future. Jonathan Byers will always be her first love... but he may not be her last.

Y/n lifts her head off of Peter's chest to gaze at him. He looks away from the sky to glance down at her. "What?" he asks, noticing the way she's staring at him. Y/n slightly shakes her head and smiles softly.

"Nothing," she whispers as she stares into his brown eyes. Her eyes shift to his mouth and she leans in, capturing his lips in a slow meaningful kiss.

I could definitely fall in love with him, she thinks.



I personally am in love with this chapter so I hope y'all enjoyed it <3 

If only you guys knew what I have planned for the end of this book hehe 😈

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