Painted The Stars- Stolas x human bubbly fem reader part 2

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It's been a couple of weeks since you met Octavia and she's actually really nice.

You showed her how to paint things, still live, realism things like that she would always call you "a friend" but her dad didn't like that fact that she was friends with a "kook" whatever that means.

You and her would spend the evenings together outside sketching and painting things you see it was inspiring to see her eyes light up  whenever you drew something.

Over the past couple of weeks Stolas has grown colder to you and would scoff anytime you would walk past him in the halls. "Don't mind him" Octavia would say according to her, her dad is very, very protective of her so when she makes new friends he's always weary of them but this time "it's different because your a human" and he doesn't trust humans" you say it's just a stereotype and not all humans want the blood of demons.

You were saddened when you heard this, you couldn't believe it you couldn't believe Octavia's dad don't trust you even though you didn't even do anything to deserve it.

Octavia explained to you what a "Kook" was apparently they were demon hunters that would kill demons, Royalty included" so her dad thought that just because you were a human that you were a demon hunter. You were a bit annoyed by this. It's a stupid stereotype. Octavia told you to calm down.

It was nigh time now. You got dressed into your pyjamas and slept it didn't take long for you to fall asleep.

~in your dream~

You were in a dark room. You couldn't see shit then a stage light lit up the room to see a bear up Octavia and an angry Stolas looming over you and her you ran over to her to comfort her. She was dying.. Her heart rate was slowing down.. she mumbled something to you. Stolas chuckled darkly to you "this is what will happen if you don't stay away from me and my family KOOK!"

You woke up in a cold sweat "W-what the fuck was that?!" Then it hit you 'it was just a dream' but that image of Octavia kept replaying in your head 'I-it felt so real' you suddenly grew panicked you started shaking as you rang her number "Via?-Via! Are you okay?!" You asked the second she answered "woah woah woah y/n slow down calm down what happened?" You took a deep breath and sighed as you re- told her what you dreamt about.

After some reassuring and words of encouragement from Octavia you calmed down completely. She then started singing you to sleep her voice was so nice to listen to. "Until we see each other again y/n..."

Requested by @kittylover32

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