The sunset Alastor x reader

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It's been a few weeks since Alastor came to the hotel and he's actually not as bad as he was when you met him. He's more what's the word? Kinder he still doesn't believe in the whole redemption thing but you do. Even though practically everyone in Hell doubted Charlie. You still tried to be there for her and help support the hotel. You and Alastor have been hanging out a lot and going on "Dates" and stuff like that. Everyone in the hotel immediately thought you were both dating but you quickly denied it and saying that you two were just really close friends.

It was night in Hell the red sky began to fade into an Orange and pink shade. You were standing on a balcony and was admiring the view of Hell. When all of a sudden you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist you jumped a bit until you realised it was Alastor " oh hi Al, what are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to see how you are my dear" You didn't want to say it but you've secretly been going through a lot of stuff and you didn't want to tell anyone especially Charlie because she would "pity" you.  You thought about it for a while and decided to tell Alastor all you worried and thoughts even the bad ones. You cried into his arms as he stroked your hair softly and hummed a song from the 1960s you cried and cried as he spoke to you about his past and things like that. After a few minutes you calmed down but you weren't fully calm so you asked a question now you know Alastor hates physical contact so this could be a risky question to ask but you asked anyways " hey Al? Can I let your ears?" Alastor stopped humming and went radio silent you panicked you thought you made him uncomfortable but then he lauded his bed on your laps " well?" He asked "what are you waiting for?" You were shocked, you didn't think he'd actually agree to this but you were happy. After a few minutes of petting his ears you decided to speak "Alastor?". Silence. You looked down to see that he was asleep. You smiled, he hadn't got that much sleep in decades. You laid down and cuddled him. You knew in that moment he was the one for you.

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