Hazbin hotel~ if angel died part 2

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You and Husk were getting along nicely. Angels mad death was still in your head but you've been trying to move on and Husk says he was "proud of your for that"


You were listening to music while reading your favourite book when Husk walked up to you "umm y/n I was wondering if you would like to go out and have a coffee with me? Only if you want..." you jumped up ecstatic "I'd love to let's go!" You said while holding his paw gently.


You arrived at the coffee shop it was nice and quiet. Husk was never really a bit fan of coffee but when he found out how much you drank he decided why not give it a try, you ordered a mocha while Husk ordered a black coffee. The nice relaxing music filled your ears you quickly hummed along to the songs that was playing. Husk started talking about his job as a bartender and how good he is at card tricks but you seemed zoned out, your eyes were extremely unfocused and tears started brimming in your eyes... then you started crying...


When Husk saw you crying he immediately stood up and you two left the coffee shop. "I'm sorry okay" you said as your voice cracked in between your words "I was just getting flashbacks about what happened to...." you trailed off you clearly didn't want to say his name because that would only make you cry more. Husk pulled you in for a hug and wrapped you around his wings like he always does it felt oddly comforting in a way. You stopped at a TV shack to see that 666 news was on you listened to it for a while but according to the news another extermination was about to take place right now.


You started breathing heavily your eyes became even more unfocused. You looked up at Husk and jumped into his arms "I-I don't want to loose you too" you softly whispering into his ear. You and Husk ran back to the hotel as quickly as you possibly can.


Everyone looked at you two confused " haven't you dipshits not hear the news?!" You said Husk looked at you shocked, he's never heard you swear before. "There's another extermination taking place right now as we speak" you and Husk were about to make a run for it the you felt a Big Bang come from the door and Husk stopped abruptly gasping for air. You didn't dare turn around but everyone had already seen what happened and cried "y-y/n..." they said in unison you slowly turn to face Husk who was on the ground with a spear piercing through his chest your eyes widened "HUSK NO NOT YOU TOO!" you sobbed as you held him in your arms you summoned some bandages and tried to tend to his wound everyone just stood there with sad looks on their faces "y/n.... he's gone.. I'm so sorry" Charlie said voice cracking in between her words. You let out angry tears "WHAT THE FUCK WHY ME?!!" You screamed you transformed into your demon form, Alastor quickly ran to you and giving you a forceful hug to stop you from injuring someone or even yourself, you hugged him back "why... why me Alastor?" You continued to sob until you just all of a sudden stopped and you felt numb to it all. You couldn't believe he was actually gone. "H-he couldn't be right this much all be a silly joke right guys?!" Now you were laughing and crying at the same time they may think your insane but at this point you really didn't care. You felt you knees get weak as you fell to the ground you wrapped your arms around yourself just to make it feel like it was Husks big red wings. You sobbed and sobbed. Charlie eventually walked over to you and hugged you, you honestly weren't surprised because Charlie loved to hug everyone. You hugged her back "y/n I am so sorry about Husk...". Your numbness crept back in as you just slowly walked to your room and closed the door slowly.


The second you closed the door you started screaming in pain, anger and anguish. First Angel and now Husk... maybe you were the cause for them to die I mean the moment Husk got attached to you he died because of the extermination. You got a cork board, some sticky notes and some sting and slowly stared connecting the dots. By the end of your little conspiracy theory you heard your room door open it was... Alastor, he looked at you concerned and by god were you a sight for sore eyes, you had big bags under you eyes, and you were covered in sticky notes and your cork board was covered in sticky notes one with "extermination" on it and another that said "could I be the reason?". "Y/n come on my dear... you need some rest.. you can cuddle with me on the couch I'll even let you pet my ears-" he said excitedly trying to lift up the mood but you immediately cut him off "No Alastor I don't want to cuddle you because I don't want you to die! Don't you see I'm the cause for Angel and Husks death because they got too close to me and now look where they are... dead" you said Alastor looked at you and then your cork board with concern and worry in his eyes "y/n I can assure you that your not the reason for their... departures" Alastor really didn't want to say the "d world" because he thought it would upset you you felt your eyes become more heavier and heavier and you were passed out and luckily Alastor managed to catch you before you hit anything.


You woke up on the couch with Alastor beside you his warm and welcoming eyes meeting yours as he was humming something on his radio. He smiled at you "sleep well my dear, my god you were gone out for ages I thought you died-" Alastor quickly covered his mouth y'know because the d word is now completely off limits when it comes to you "n-never mind my dear...". "Al I don't want to loose you alright?! I love you just like how I loved Angel and Husk but now their dead and I think-  no I know it's all my fault.."


You were scared to meet new people or get too attached to people especially in the hotel because you thought you were "cursed" you basically went from social butterfly to shy, quiet and emotional girl.  Charlie would always say " where did my happy little y/n go?". But that's the thing Charlie I don't know where she went but she's gone now and she's never coming back...

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