When its Valentine's Day

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She would go mad with decorating the hotel in pink and red hearts and would give you gifts and a bouquet of red roses.


Vaggie would just chill for the day with you she took a day off work just to spend the day with you. She will give you a box of chocolates.


This bitch would go completely overboard like he knows how to impress you. He will just chill with you and Fat Nuggets before leaving the room and coming back few minutes later with a small velvet box. He opened it and said it was a promise ring and promised you he would be with you forever. You cried into his arms "thank you so much Angel".


At first Alastor didn't really care but when he went to Charlie for tips he essentially turned into Charlie. He gave you a card every hour of the day and gave you a giant teddy bear and then took you out to dinner in the fanciest restaurant that Hell could offer. By the end of they day you sat next to Alastor on the couch and said "never participate in Valentine's Day ever again".


She would be jumping up and down and giving you boxes of chocolates and flowers and you would help her clean up the hotel like normal.

Cherri Bomb~

Cherri would take you down town and blow up building and basically commit arson and steal from stores and try not to get caught by Charlie because if you did let's just say bad shit will happen if you do 0_0. After a long day you and her cuddled on the couch "I love you y/n" you giggled "I love you too Cherri".


Husk couldn't give two shades of shit about Valentine's Day he says it's just a waste of money and he loves you year round but when you practically begged him to at least try and celebrate he did. He got you a box of chocolates and you got him some booze from some fancy Italian brand. He loved it so much and now he drinks it all the time.

Sir Pentious~

Sir Pentious would shout at his egg Bois to go to the store and get you stuff because he was "too busy" the Egg Bois did as he said and came back and hour later with every single Valentine's Day product the store had and let's just say Pentious's bank account was broke. He yelled at the poor Egg Bois to get out before he slithered over to you and hugged you "happy Valentine's Day y/n" he smiled you smiled back at him before you two exchanged gifts and watched the stars in the crimson red sky of  Hell.

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