Mark holds my hand and I squeeze back, thankful for his presence besides me. I hope I don't have to find anything about our family's death, I don't think I'm ready for that. I didn't have Jungkook seal my memory of their death only to see it again through the picture, I don't know what impact it would have on me.

As we walk through the gigantic building, I suddenly feel Yoongi try to reach out to me through the bond link and I allow him in with a relieved sigh, his presence comforting, even if he's not here physically. "Is it time, snowflakes? Do you want us with you?" I hear him ask me, his voice concerned and gentle.

"You must have felt my nerves hm? I'll be fine, Mark is with me. I just worry that I won't be able to find the information that we need... what if I was completely wrong and this man doesn't know what we're looking for? Not knowing what I'm going to find... it worries me even more, everyone seems to think that this is it, but what if it's not? I don't want to disappoint" I admit, hear his hum resonating in my head.

"It's going to be fine. You're doing your best and everyone can see it. If you could hear what they say around the place, they're all thankful for your efforts. They believe in you and so do we, snowflakes. It's okay if you don't find anything, it won't be your fault" he tells me and I sniffle, the sound catching my brother's attention.

I nod as I use my free hand to wipe my cheek, something that makes him understand I'm currently talking with my soulmate. "Thank you, Yoonie... I'll be strong and believe in myself as well, we'll see each other later? I heard you were the one given a free day with Jin today" I ask, willing to talk about something a little less nerve-wrecking while we reach the intimidating room.

"I am, we're both waiting for you, Waffle as well, we had to scold him earlier because he tried to eat one of our pillows, damn dog" he mumbles the end, clearly unhappy about that one. I giggle, not realizing how weird this must seem to everyone else around me but I don't care, instead using this small opening to have some relief.

"There you go, I'm glad I could make you laugh before you get busy. I love you snowflakes, it's okay to take a break so don't overdo it okay?" he says softly and I nod with a small smile. "I will, Yoonie, I love you".

He gently leaves my soul and I sigh in deeply to calm my growing nerves again. "It's going to be fine. You won't be alone" Mark says once sure that I'm not talking anymore and I gaze at him with a smile just as we reach the closed door.

We enter the lighted room where the usual note takers are seated and they nod at me, a small encouragement that they know I need while I reach the desk where sits one picture. One that makes me shiver.

I take a seat and grab it between my fingers, the memories of that day one I don't really enjoy. I got so close to death and I wouldn't be alive today if not for Namjoon's barrier. Me taking a picture of him, I don't know how I managed that in that sort of situation.

I try to ignore the splash of blood in the corner, knowing full well that the guys who entered our house must not have expected the surprise attack they got. "You didn't paint out house in red, did you?" I ask Seo-joon who only quirks an eyebrow at me with a shrug.

"Cleaning services exist for a reason" he replies and I sigh. Going back home might end up being more scary than everything we went through while being here. I'm not excited to go through the cleaning spree that will happen for a few days, knowing Jin as I know him.

Because we will be able to get back home one day. I just know it. This whole situation will be over and we'll be able to live a normal life, one in which I won't have to be afraid of the M.I., one in which my soulmates won't have to be scared for me, one in which my brothers can be together once again, where we can all have fun together, just like before.

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