Chapter Forty One

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As I sit on my bed, I stare at my phone that's buried within the duvet

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As I sit on my bed, I stare at my phone that's buried within the duvet. The phone that hasn't stopped ringing for the past two hours. The phone that hasn't stopped lighting up with Grayson's name across the screen.

As I stare, I don't even fight the tears. I don't fight the incredible pain that eats away inside of me as I watch Grayson try to get through to me. Though with little success.

What must he think? I hope he's not too worried. Not yet anyway. Maybe he thinks I've fallen into a deep sleep. Maybe he thinks that I've gone out and left my phone at home. Maybe he thinks that I've left my phone on silent.

There's many possibilities. But, judging by his continuous calls and texts, I can tell that he's definitely concerned.

My shaking hands eventually lift the phone, message after message filling the screen:

Mia. Are you okay?

Mia. Answer the phone. Please.

Seriously Mia, pick up!

I just want to know that you're okay.

Please, Mia. Answer me. I'm getting worried now.

But it's the latest text that has me stand from the bed in shock:

If you don't answer on the next call, I'm coming round.

The next call? The message was sent twenty-seven minutes ago, and he's called since then. Holy f—

     "Mia!" Lucas yells, hurdling up the stairs. Before my brain can even catch up, he's already in my room. He studies my broken state, his lip twisting. "Mia. Grayson has just pulled up."

I wipe my eyes repeatedly, sucking in a breath. "Please just let me say it to him face to face?" I beg. "Please! I can't tell him over text."

Lucas nods, his hands in the air. "Fine. Okay whatever."

I grab a towel from the radiator, wiping it profusely over my face to try to hide my cries. Though with little success; my skin is blotchy and my eyes are swollen.

The front door sounds from downstairs, and I hear Hailey opening it.

     "Is Mia here?" I hear Grayson ask from the other side. His voice sounds panicked. On edge.

      "Upstairs." Hailey mumbles.

Lucas dips into Hailey's room, and, judging by the heavy footsteps that fly up the stairs, Grayson is about to join me.

He darts through the door, his beautiful, dark eyes filled with worry. In turn I stand, standing against the edge of my bed with as much strength in me that I can possibly muster. Trying my utmost hardest to make it look like I haven't been crying.

But I fail. Of course Grayson can see straight through me. I mean, why wouldn't he? He's always been able to read me. Like a goddamned open book, no matter how hard I try to keep the cover closed.

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