Chapter Four

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Three hours into our night out and I'm already more drunk than I care to admit

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Three hours into our night out and I'm already more drunk than I care to admit. I've polished off at least six passion fruit martinis, and now Holly has us on the shots again. Bizarrely, we have all ended up with Santa hats on our heads—not that I have any idea where they came from—but I'm enjoying myself far too much to care if I look ridiculous or not anyway.

Hailey, Holly and I have moved to the small dance floor towards the back of the room, and Will and the other guys—who's names I still haven't learnt—remain at the table, laughing and drinking between themselves.

Letting my hair down was a good decision, and I'm glad Hailey managed to finally drag me out of the depressed pit I had been living in.

     "Right, on we go!" Holly bellows, her voice almost breaking as a result of the four or five shots she recently downed. "To Vega!"

I trip over my own heels slightly, clinging to Hailey for support as I look to her in confusion. "Vega?" I ask.

     "It's a huge nightclub a few streets down from here," Hailey tells me, trying her best to hold in her impending hiccups.

A huge nightclub. The last huge nightclub I ended up in was Plasma, and look how that turned out. I sigh, but the amount of alcohol that courses through me is enough to fade the bittersweet memories that the blue and pink electrifying club brought me. "Vega!" I chime in. Quickly we remove our ridiculous festive hats and head straight to the door.

The drunken walk to Vega is cold, but not as cold as it would be had I not consumed the several cocktails and lethal shots at The South Tavern. I only just notice that most of the snow that once dusted the glorious city has already melted.

I smile though; this city is an endless maze of vibrancy and adventure, and there's still so much of it that I haven't even discovered yet. That thought alone excites me.

"Here we are!" Hailey calls, confidently gesturing to the rest of us as we join her at the back of the queue that's formed outside the huge, black painted club, reading 'Vega' in bright lights across the top. Thankfully, the line is moving quickly. "Holly has vouchers for a free mixer and a free shot of our choosing," she continues.

Of course she does; Holly and Hailey seem to know or have their hands on every bargain when it comes to drinking in this city.

Holly hands out small, golden tickets to each of us, and quickly I stuff mine into my bag—knowing that if I try and hold onto it in my hand, then I'll most likely end up losing it. "Thanks Holly," I say, almost slurring, and she smiles.

The club is actually welcoming when I enter, mainly because the cold was starting to become harsher against my skin the longer we waited in the queue. Like most nightclubs, strong, harsh music pumps through my ears and the only lights are coming from blue and green lasers at the other end of the humungous room. If I weren't intoxicated right now, I'd probably turn and head straight outside and into the nearest taxi to take me home, but, as it is, my head is whirring with thrill and I waste no time in heading to the dance floor that's full of wasted partygoers.

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