Chapter Thirty Two

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"Tommy? What are you doing out here?" I hiss under my breath, wondering why the hell we had to bump into each other tonight.

This town is too small, and I internally sigh; I don't have the energy to deal with Tommy right now, not after what happened last time, on this very beach.

"Probably the same as you," he says, a smile bending from his lips. "Taking some time to myself at the end of a long day."

I exhale, shoving my hands into my pockets. "Tommy, I don't have the time for this. I need to get home."

"No Mia, please." He holds out his hands, begging me to stay put. "Can we just talk?"

I stay quiet. Tommy's energy is different. His eyes are calm, longing, and his body language is just so...relaxed. This isn't like him at all.

I look around, confused when Tommy gestures me to a nearby bench.

     "Fine," I say. It's the least I can do; it is Christmas after all. I'll just hear what he has to say, and then I'll go home.

I take a seat first, watching as Tommy pulls his large coat around himself before he sits next to me. Resting his arms onto his knees, he looks out to the moonlit painted sea and exhales. "How are things with you?"

I watch the dancing waves in front of us, wondering why the hell Tommy is being so reasonable. The last time I saw him, he tried it on with me, and Grayson laid into him on this very beach. I can't see him being able to get over that all that easily.

     "I'm fine I guess," I say. I don't want to tell him about Grayson, not really.

     "And your job?"

     "All good thanks." I shift my feet, knocking some pebbles beneath me. "And how are you?"

Tommy sighs, running his large hand over his close-shaved hair. "I'm doing a lot better thanks." He looks to me, his eyes hiding some emotion. "I never should have did what I did to you Mia."

My eyebrows raise; I'm not used to Tommy apologising. I can't quite work out if I'm even hearing him correctly.

     "For what?" I ask, even though the answer is clear.

     "For everything!" He exhales, wiping his hands across his eyes. "For coming to London. For starting fights. For what happened—" He flicks his eyes to the beach in front, sucking in a breath. "For what"

I stay quiet for moment, appreciating the sound of the lapping waves against the silence of the town surrounding us. All around us houses are decorated with bright, coloured lights, families spending quality time together, gifts being exchanged and laughs being shared.

I know what Tommy did was wrong, but it wouldn't be right of me to deny him his apology on this very evening.

I sigh. "It's okay Tommy."

He looks to me, hope behind his eyes. "Really?"

     "Yeah. I mean, what you did was pretty bad, but I'm willing to forgive you."

He smiles, and I'm glad for once it's a genuine smile. I'm so used to his menacing smiles that it's actually refreshing to see him so content, with no sinister plans behind anything he does or says.

      "Can I hug you?" He asks, shifting a little closer.

I look to him, and nod. Slowly, he curls his arms around my shoulder, and I curl mine back. His coat smells fresh. No nicotine, no smoke, just fresh. Tommy seems fresh. And I actually enjoy a hug with him.

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