Chapter Seventy

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My apartment is ruined.

My eyes scan the place twice over. There's smashed plates, utensils, glass, clothes and food scattered everywhere I look. My TV is cracked, lay on the floor like an unwanted piece of scrap.

I feel like an unwanted piece of scrap.

But I can fix the apartment, that's not the issue. I have the money to replace everything. The issue is that no money in the entire world will bring Mia back to me. No amount of cleaning, soul cleansing or forgiveness will ever bring my girl back to me.

Because she isn't my girl anymore.

We both knew that before she upped and left my apartment earlier. We both knew that the clock was up on our time together the minute I found her at Brody's apartment.

I hate him for what he did.

But I hate myself more.

What if I had just done what I should have done last night? Gone after Mia even though she told me not to. If I had done that—like any normal fucking boyfriend would—I would probably still have her in my arms. No, instead I sulked and downed another beer whilst that slut Delilah pranced about all smug and elated with her pathetic scheming.

I hate her too.

The thing is, any other time I would have gone after Mia even if she protested until her lungs were out. I may be possessive but it stems from my need to see that she's okay. But the one time I choose not to, fucking Brody takes the limelight instead.

I'm angry beyond words as I start to slowly scoop up the remains of my outburst. I'm angry at all of them and I wish they never threw me that party. I should have known the minute we stepped in there and I saw everyone from my other life that it was time to step the fuck out. It was never going to end well, not when Mia is concerned because there's always some conniving arsehole who wants to ruin that for me.

First Joel, then Delilah, then Brody.

I'll get them all.

Giving up on my clean up, I decide to leave it as is. I'll tip the cleaning company a little extra this week. Then, I'll pay for someone to come in and fix it all.

I have more important things to sort right now.

Jack's Cellar is loud and shrieking when I push myself through the back door and into the room that we've all claimed as our base for dealings and payments. I've hated this room ever since Mia found me in it. All it does is remind me how much of a scum bag I really am.

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