Chapter Fifty Four

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With my nerves eating away at me, I step out of the changing rooms in apprehension of finding Grayson waiting for me, but when I'm met with Julian in the hallway I'm somewhat confused.

His smile warm and rounded, Julian ducks his head and says, "Miss Thorpe. Please would you follow me?"

I nod, my eyes wandering about the building as we venture through, questioning where the hell he could be taking me.

"May I add that you're looking beautiful this evening?"

My lip quirks. "Thanks Julian."

Leading me outside, I follow Julian to a large veranda which overlooks the huge lake to the side. In the distance, the sun is just about to set behind the mountainous range, the last of the sunlight glow gently sweeping across the still waters. Out on the veranda, fairy lights dance across the wooden beams, soft, tranquil music plays and by a candlelit table at the centre, Grayson stands proudly, dressed in a suit that hugs his toned sculpture. His smile is almost childlike, his eyes rounded as mine meet his and he takes in my dress.

Once again, he's outdone himself.

Grinning goofily I'm sure, I thank Julian and head towards Grayson, who holds his hand to mine, kisses my cheek and pulls out my chair. "Jesus. You look stunning Mia." I have to admit I love the way he bites his lip when he takes me in, his eyes crawling along every inch and curve of me. "Fuck. Just perfect."

"Grayson stop." I smile as I sit down, admiring my boyfriend in his smart attire, as opposed to his usual casual look which he somehow still pulls off in every way possible. "But you do look amazing too."

"Only for you."

I can't help but feel smitten, nervously sipping on the cold water in front of me, but then my mind trails off to darker places. Only for me? Did Grayson ever dress up for Delilah? Did they have dates like this?

I kick my own leg, angry at myself for allowing my mind to delve into such thoughts. This day has been perfect, and the night will be even more perfect. I'm sat with Grayson, who sometimes I still can't believe my own luck that I'm with, next to a picture-perfect lake about to dig into what I'm sure will be an exquisite candlelit dinner, yet for some godforsaken reason my thoughts want to ruin it all.

     "I hope you've enjoyed your day," Grayson says, sipping on some white wine, a droplet escaping his lips. "You deserved some TLC."

     "It's been perfect, thank you Grayson."

Digging into our main meals, I watch in admiration the moonlight now gracing the surface of the lake's water. The air is somewhat cooler, but thanks to a standing heater we don't feel much of the cold.

     "So come on Mia," Grayson pipes up, chewing on a bite of steak and peppercorn sauce. His dark hair blows gracefully again the soft winds, his equally dark eyes catching the moonlight every now and then. "What's the plans for the future?"

I shrug, placing my lips to the wine glass. "Well hopefully I'll be offered a full time job at the end of my apprenticeship. It all depends on who they like the most though, there's only ever two spaces at the end of the year."

Grayson smirks, fastening his bow tie. "How could anyone not like you? You'll get it for sure."

     "How can you be so sure?" I question.

      "Because I know you. You work hard and you deserve it. You'll get it."

     "Everyone does. It's fierce competition."

     "Stop doubting yourself. You're amazing." Grayson tips his head and smiles, his leg brushing against mine under the table. "I have every faith."

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