Chapter Nineteen

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Mature chapter alert! ⚠️
You've been warned 😊


     "Anderson, wh—"

     "Shh, don't speak," he pants as our lips disconnect, before rejoining them and slipping his tongue intrusively through the parting.

I oblige for a moment, caught up in the heat and the lust that radiates between us. But then I move back. I lock my palms against the warmth of his cheeks. "Anderson," I breathe. "What is this? I thought—"

     "Shh Mia," he whispers, bringing his hand to my cheek, grazing his thumb down the skin. "I like you Mia." He places a delicate kiss onto my lips. "I know you want this too."

I stare into the grey of his eyes, my heart trying to keep up with everything that's happening. But I do want this, don't I? I tried it on with him at the Christmas party, so of course he knows I want this. And I think I do, too.

I swallow, resting my forehead against Anderson's as my breathing quickens. Just as Anderson's thumb brushes my flushed skin once more, I pull his head close and lock my lips back against his.

I taste his tongue against mine, the remains of beer that lines his saliva carrying through my mouth, and I push back harder. Maybe this is what I wanted after all; I miss being consumed by passion, by being wanted so badly by another. I smile, curling my small fingers behind Anderson's neck, and I allow him to push me back onto the sofa so that his body completely covers mine.

My lips are swollen when Anderson moves his gentle assault down to my neck. I allow my head to fly into the cushion of the sofa, feeling his large, warm hand moving up my thigh.

"Shit," I breathe, reflexively bringing my hand upward and running my fingers through Anderson's curls as he lowers his lips to my collarbone.

His eyes look up to me, a pang of worry flashing across them. "You okay?" His warm breath bounces off of my skin.

I nod, my words stuck in my throat, but I smile when his soft, comforting face brings me reassurance. "Fine," I croak.

Anderson's lip twists, before he brings his mouth back up to mine and swipes another soft kiss against me. "Let's go upstairs," he whispers, his mouth moving back to my neck.

My heart is pulsating in huge bouts, but I follow Anderson's lead when he lifts me from the sofa, walking me up the stairs and into his bedroom.

His bedroom is plain, yet stylish. To the left are rows of monitors and screens, and I guess that his interest in technology stretches outside of work too. In the middle of the room stands a large double bed, a desk with a laptop, and two built in wardrobes fill the right wall. In many ways, this is everything I would have expected Anderson's room to look like.

     "You're so beautiful Mia." Anderson grasps my head within his hands, pulling me from my curiosity and pushing his tongue through the entrance of my lips, tasting me eagerly. "You don't know how long I've dreamt of this moment."

His eyes sparkle, and instinctively I pull the oversized t-shirt off from over me and push Anderson to the double bed. I want this, right now I want this more than ever.

I pull at his t-shirt, throwing it to the floor and almost collapsing at the sight of his bare, strong torso against the dark sheets, his muscular arms decorated with black ink. I hadn't fully appreciated until now how completely mesmerising he is.

I take a moment, my eyes scanning the body in front of me, and I smile, nuzzling my head into the crook of Anderson's neck, tasting once more his hot, sensitive skin against my lips.

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