Chapter Thirty Three

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The next morning I try to swallow the lump that's formed in my throat as I toss the remains of my clothes back into my suitcase.

I look around my childhood room, reflecting on the memories that flood from the four walls.

My Mum used to sit against the edge of my single bed, creating stories in her head as I would trail off to sleep. Dad would listen from the doorway, smiling at her delicate words. But I knew he was also tearing up; the fact that he knew those moments would only last so long.

I would play fight with Lucas in here, throwing pillows against his head before he would throw me onto the bed, pretending he was some wrestling star. And Hailey and I would hang out here countless times, from having sleepovers when we were little, to pre-drinking when we were, well, not so little.

It's crazy how much a small room can hold, but I wouldn't change it for the world, and as I look back to my bed, I picture Grayson, lying there with his long legs dangling off the edge.

I laugh, the memory bringing me back to happier times. Grayson had showed up unannounced for my birthday, and although we weren't on great terms then, I couldn't help but adore the way it felt to sleep in his arms that night. I couldn't help but fall in love with him that little bit harder when he came to my aid on the beach, saving me from the likes of a scorned Tommy.

Sighing, I zip my bag shut, shutting the memories away with it. It hurts too much to be thinking back to everything that's happened here, and if I don't stop reliving it all, I'll crumble into a mess on the floor.

Dad is ready to hug me at the door when the clock hits twelve, with Lucas waiting eagerly next to his car. I fall into my Dad's arms, closing my eyes and appreciating the time we've spent together.

"Have a safe journey back Mia." He kisses my head, moving his hands to my shoulders. "Look after yourself. And be careful."

I smile, knowing that it's taken a while for Dad to get over what Tommy did. My dad has always been one to see the best in people, but even he thought Tommy had gone one step too far.

     "What will you be doing on New Years?" I ask before I leave. I know my Dad has never been one to celebrate the New Year all that much, but a part of me wants to know he won't be too lonely as 2021 begins.

My Dad smiles, a light laugh rolling from his tongue. "The Wallace's have invited me over, with some other friends. We'll eat, drink, and then as soon as the clock strikes twelve I'll be heading off to bed!"

I giggle, but it's nice to know that Hailey's parents have organised a little get together.

"Bye Dad," I say quietly, shifting my bag onto my shoulder. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," he says, his eyes glistening. "Love you."

"Love you too."

With Lucas' help, my bags are packed into the car. Sitting into the passenger seat, I throw one last wave to my dad, watching as he becomes smaller the further we drive away.

A sinking feeling washes through me. On many levels I'm excited to get back to London, but on others my body aches at the thought of leaving this place.

Watching the sea grow smaller, quieter, Lucas let's out a sigh from the driver seat.

"I laid into Tommy, you know?"

"What?" I ask, confused.

"That night at the beach," Lucas huffs, venturing onto a busy road at the edge of the town. "After you had gone back to London, I went to Tommy's house and I threatened the prick. I punched him and I smashed his phone so he couldn't track you anymore."

I close my eyes. "Lucas, you should have just left it."

"How could I? What he did was completely unforgivable!"

I exhale. "I guess. But I forgave him last night."

Lucas looks to me briefly, his lips scrunched. "I don't know how you could. Even Dad wanted to go round there that night, but I told him to leave it to me. Safe to say Tommy was scared shitless when I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threw a punch to his jaw."

My eyes widen, the thought of Lucas throwing punches to Tommy making my insides quiver. But I can only imagine that between Lucas and Grayson, Tommy got what was coming to him.

"Well, I appreciate you sticking up for me," I murmur, my head resting against the window. "It must have worked though—Tommy seemed like a new man yesterday."

Lucas nods. "Good. He needed to grow the fuck up."

I roll my eyes, and knowing Lucas like I do, I doubt he'll ever want anything more to do with Tommy. Not that I blame him, mind.

What feels like sixty odd motorways later, I finally arrive home.

Lucas hops out the car, pulling my bags from the boot and hurling them to the door. I follow him with apprehension, knowing this is where I'll receive a lecture on my actions going forward.

He leans against the door, watching as I slip off my coat and shoes.

     "Can I trust you here by yourself?" Lucas asks, his voice monotone.

And here it is.

I roll my eyes, huffing. "Yes, Lucas. Look, we went over this. It's in the past. I'm an adult you know? I can do what I want anyway."

     "Not if it involves putting yourself into stupid, compromising situations, Mia."

I nod, taking a breath. "Fine, whatever. I'll be okay. I'm not planning on going anywhere, or doing anything. I'm just going to do more prep for the new term."

Lucas head bounces slowly up and down, his lip twisting. "I'll see you soon then? In a few days?"

I have to keep reminding myself that when Hailey comes back, so will Lucas—all ready for a New Year's Eve party that I'm not even sure I'm ready for myself.

     "Thanks for the lift," I say. "See you in a few days."

With one last nod, Lucas heads to the car. I walk to the open door and watch him drive off, yearning for the ache in my throat to finally disappear once and for all.

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