Chapter Ten

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The Saint and City Christmas party has come around all too quickly.

I stand in front of my mirror, taking in my once pale complexion that now looks slightly more as though I've spent a few days in the sun. Thank god for a good bronzer. With my hair styled into loose curls, the addition of the silver earrings and a pair of silver high heels, the brilliant blue dress looks even more beautiful than it did when I tried it on the first time.

     "Mia, chill. You look phenomenal and you're going to have an amazing night."

I twist my view to Hailey, completely unaware that my breathing is deep and frantic. It seems I'm also completely oblivious to the fact that my heart is performing somersaults within my chest. "Oh, yeah I know," I say, facing back to my own reflection and running my hands down the sides of the dress. "It's just the last fancy party that I went to was—well, you know."

Hailey nods, smiling supportively as she recalls the ball that Grayson invited me to—coincidentally to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the hotel chain where I'll be spending the night tonight. You just couldn't write it. "You'll be fine Mia. Once you're there and you get a few drinks down you, it'll be like you've got no worries in the world. Yes, Grayson's Dad owns that hotel, but chances are he won't actually be there. Or Grayson for that matter."

I smile, remembering how Hailey's green eyes almost popped with disbelief when I told her where the party was being held. Nevertheless, my reaction was the same, if not worse.

Spraying my neck with perfume, I try to calm the uncontrollable beating of my heart when a knock sounds at the door.

     "That must be Anderson," I say to Hailey, inhaling as I take my clutch bag from the bed. "I'll see you tomorrow?" It occurs to me that I haven't asked Hailey how things are going between her and Lucas, but quite frankly my mind has been elsewhere recently.

     "Have a good night Mia. I'll see you tomorrow." Hailey shifts herself from my doorway and hugs me tightly. "Just enjoy it, okay?"

I take a deep breath. "Okay."

I'm not sure why I'm so nervous. Whether it's because the hotel just happens to be Pacific Blue, or whether it's because Anderson and I are travelling there together, or perhaps because I haven't been to a proper, formal event like this since Grayson and I went to one together. Perhaps it's a mix of all of those reasons, actually.

When the door is opened, I can't help but smile as Anderson stands politely next to the wall, awaiting my company as the Uber waits at the bottom of the pathway. I have to take a few moments; Anderson is dressed smartly in a black tuxedo, a white shirt, a black bow tie and a pair of shining brogues. In addition, the gold of his small hooped earring seems to enhance his look by a thousand. I've never seen him dressed for a formal party, and surprisingly the sight of him makes my heart skip a few beats.

     "Hey you," he says, grinning from ear to ear as he saunters nearer to the doorway. He takes a long breath, his head tilting backward as he takes in my outfit. "You look—well—you just look...amazing."

I smile, but look to the floor to hide my blushing. "Thanks Anderson."

     "You ready?" Anderson holds his arm out to me, twisting his body to face the roadside.

I look up, nodding, but my stomach practically hits the floor when Anderson is replaced with Grayson. What?

My eyes widen, my feet unable to move from under me as Grayson holds his hand out to me, ushering me towards his gleaming white Mercedes that's parked on the road. He's dressed impeccably; a tight fitting suit, a crisp shirt and the shine of his silver chain emerging from the line of his collar. His dark, silky hair is just as I remember it; perfect yet scruffily styled and the equally dark facial hair that decorates his strong jawline reminds me of how much I miss him, so goddamn much. I want to leap into his arms, but my body seems to be rendered frozen at his sudden appearance.

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