Chapter Sixty Seven

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I carry Mia in my arms, her body limp and eyes opening and shutting every five minutes. Her soft, brown hair dangles across my arm and I look at her perfect lips that taunt me with every step I take out of this apartment block and back to my car.

I'm livid beyond words. How the fuck could Brody do this to me? He and I go way back. He's like a brother to me. He's always looked out for me since we both ended up in this dark, fucked up world. He's always told me who to be wary of and who to trust.

Now I can't fucking trust him.

I place Mia into the passenger seat and fasten her seatbelt. Her body doesn't even move. Where the fuck is her dress and her shoes? Brody probably still has them, but he can keep them for all I care. I just need to get Mia home. Home with me. I'll buy her a new dress and shoes if I have to.

I'm not going to lie, right now I'm so pissed with her. Pissed beyond words. She left that club and did what she knew would hurt me the fucking most. I'm not even sure if I deserve it. I have to explain that photo but it's not what she thinks. Delilah is a conniving bitch and I hate her for what she did. The minute Mia left the club I told Delilah to never fucking come near me again.

Mia doesn't realise I went looking for her. Five minutes after she left—even though she told me not to—I went looking for her. I got an Uber back to my place, picked up my car and went speeding through the city even though I had four or five beers down me by that point.

Nobody answered when I went to her house. I figured Hailey was out and Mia hadn't gone home. I flew back to my place in case she went there, but she didn't and I was kidding myself if I thought she'd go there after how pissed she was at me.

I rang Jordan to see if she returned to the club, to which he told me no. But he told me that Brody had disappeared too.

And that's when I put two and two together.

I saw his fucking snaky arm wrap around her at the bar. I tried to contain my emotions and take it with a pinch of salt—because I know Brody's a flirt and all—but it fucking triggered me when I remembered how he practically followed Mia out the bar area, even though he told everyone he was going to the men's room.

I was running off adrenaline at that point. I slammed my foot on the accelerator and sped to Canary Wharf like my life fucking depended on it. Every second of the car journey was torture because all I could see in my mind was Brody's devious, backstabbing hands caressing my girl.

I had to tell myself over and over it wasn't true. I had to repeat it in my mind a gazillion times because the thought of it being true was making me want to drive my car into a fucking wall.

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