Chapter Sixty

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Another working week flies by

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Another working week flies by.

By Friday, I'm too tired to think about doing anything other than curling up in bed with a good movie. But, as planned, I'm going to surprise Grayson tonight in readiness for his birthday tomorrow.

I pack the tickets to New York in an envelope and seal it with a blue ribbon. In a moment of excitement, I picture Grayson opening the gift, and the happiness we'll share the minute we board that flight.

I tie my hair up, slip on my Converses and fly to the door. Hailey left an hour ago to attend a University campus party, so I lock the door and head straight to the bus stop.

Sticking in my headphones, I allow the songs of the eighties to spill into my ears. When the bus arrives, I take a seat at the back and gaze at the sights of the city as I head to the centre.

As I watch large buildings and bright lights pass me by, I wonder about the party the Brody is planning for Grayson. I can't help but worry that I'll stick out like a sore thumb amongst the people that may go there. Equally, I'm more than concerned that there might be someone there who may not particularly feel comfy with me being there.

Or worse, someone like Joel will be there.

No, I need to stop worrying. I promised myself and Grayson that I wouldn't be like that anymore for the sake of our relationship. I can't keep ruining what should be happy moments for Grayson.

As I hop off the bus, I fly through crowds and dodge masses of traffic as I head towards Grayson's apartment. It occurs to me that he could be working tonight, but I decide to take the risk anyway. Besides, I already plan on taking him for a meal tomorrow, and I quietly laugh at how Grayson has been so quiet about his own birthday.

Modest as always.

Disturbed by my phone ringing as I saunter down a busy street, I stop by a corner of a restaurant and smile when I see Anderson's name across the front.

     "Hey Anderson," I say, loud enough so that he can hear me over the noise of the city.


It doesn't take me long to decipher that Anderson is crying at the other end of the phone. Suddenly, my heart seems to crash.

     "Anderson what's wrong?"

I just about hear him sniffle at the other end of the phone. "It's my brother. He's been in an accident."

     "What?" I gasp.

     "Sorry," Anderson whimpers. "I just didn't know who else to call."

I check the time. It's 6pm meaning that I have time to delay my gift to Grayson and go and see Anderson, and quite frankly, this is what's more important right now.

     "I'm coming over," I say. "Wait there."

     "Thanks Mia."

I detour my mission quickly and without a second thought. Once I arrive in Kensington, Anderson is there to greet me as soon as I knock his door.

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