Chapter Eighteen

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Anderson's friendly face is there to welcome me when I depart the tube at Leicester Square station. We hadn't decided what our plans were for tonight, but in many ways I enjoy the spontaneity and the unknown.

     "Hey Mia!" He says, joining me at my side as I filter through the crowds of tourists and commuters.

     "Hey," I say. Reflexively, I link my arm within his as to not lose sight of him amongst the masses of people that hurry through the station.

The comforting sensation that runs through my body when Anderson is at my side makes me feel giddy, and I find myself beaming with happiness as we amble up the stairs and into the open space of the city. "What's the plan then?" I ask, laughing as I bump my shoulder to his.

Crossing a road, a smirk grows from Anderson's face. "Well," he says, pulling me to the side as a flurry of taxis pull up adjacent to us, blocking our route. "I thought maybe we could get some food, or see a movie?"

     "That sounds great!" I say, not thinking twice when a whirl of excitement courses through my stomach. I'm awful at making decisions, so I relax when Anderson decides for us.

Anderson takes me to a Mexican restaurant—treating me to a feast of nachos and burritos—and after I pay for us to watch a horror film in the cinema; although admittedly I spent half of it ducking behind Anderson's shoulder to shield myself from the jump scares.

"You wuss," Anderson teases as we exit, laughing and helping himself to the leftover popcorn from the bucket we shared. "You didn't watch any of that."

I laugh, blushing as we navigate through the dark yet brightly lit streets of the city. "It was scary!" I retort, digging my hand into the popcorn and giggling as I stuff the snack into my mouth.

This night has been perfect; a laugh, an escape from reality and the realisation that Anderson means so much more to me than I first realised. He's a really good friend, and I love how comfortable I am when I'm around him; I hope to never lose that.

"Shall we head to the tube? I'll see that you get home okay." Anderson looks to his watch, and I note that it's already 11.p.m.

"Sure," I say, somewhat deflated; in all honesty, I don't want this night to end. "Or we could get a drink?" I don't know where my sudden words come from, but I know that I want to stretch out this fun-filled night as long as I can.

Anderson's eyes widen, the glistening, blue lights of a nearby club reflecting off of them. "Really? Okay!" A sure smile plays from his lips, and I bite my lip as I toss the empty popcorn bucket into a bin and re-link my arm to his. "Where do you want to go?"

I look around, but I'm put off by how busy every bar seems to be around here. "Somewhere not too expensive," I joke, pushing my hair from my face as the wind gently assaults it.

     "There's a nice little bar near my place," Anderson says, shuffling from one foot to the other. "We'd just need to get the tube to Kensington, if—if that's okay with you?" I sense the sudden self-doubt in Anderson's words, but smile from ear to ear at the idea of going somewhere new.

"Sounds perfect," I say, leading Anderson towards the tube station.

The journey to Kensington doesn't take long, and once we arrive, I allow Anderson to guide the way.

In many ways Kensington seems like every other area of London; full of buildings, houses, shops and bars—they all blend into one for me. But a strong surge of adrenaline washes through me when Anderson guides me towards a small, wooden bar on a corner, it's structure illuminated by LED lights lining the edges.

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