Chapter Fifty Seven

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The morning sunlight awakens me, my eyes squinting to adjust to the brightness

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The morning sunlight awakens me, my eyes squinting to adjust to the brightness. Releasing a stretch, I move my arm across the bed, taking Grayson into my embrace.

But my arm just hits the fabric. No Grayson.

Jolting, I sit upward. Immediately my heart starts palpitating because it hits me that drunk Grayson could have got up and gone anywhere, and I should have been looking out for him.

It's only when I turn to the left that I find him sitting across the bay window, his head leant against the glass as he stares deep in thought out to the lake.

My heart slowing and my shoulders rolling with relief, I slowly stand from the bed and amble over to Grayson. Up close, he still holds his defeated composure but thankfully the stench of beer has worn off somewhat.

Sheepishly, I say, "Hey."

Grayson turns slowly. His eyes are heavy and I suspect he's feeling the after effects of alcohol today. Looking at me drowsily, he says, "Hey." Then looks back out the window.

I sigh, moving a tad closer. " okay?"

"Peachy," he mumbles. "But I guess the god knows how many bottles of beer have something to do with that."

I catch a slight smirk grow from Grayson's lips, and just for a millisecond, a slither of happiness forms inside of me. Has some of his anger faded from last night? Not that I'd blame him if he was still angry, but the tiny attempt at humour is enough to give me hope that maybe he's willing to forgive me.

"Can we talk?" I ask quietly, apprehensive of his reaction.

Grayson shifts a little, collecting his car keys from the table next to the window and standing. With lazy eyes, his looks to me and says, "Come with me."

My brows knit but I follow nevertheless. Our suitcases are ready to go because they were never unpacked. Effortlessly Grayson takes one into each hand before heading to the door.

With sadness, I hand the key back to the receptionist and follow Grayson to the car park. He hurls the suitcases into the boot and proceeds to the passenger door, holding it open for me with an unreadable expression on his face.

Even through these circumstances, he's still a gentleman and that's what I love about him.

I make a sigh. "Grayson, with all due respect do you think I should drive? I mean you aren't exactly in the fittest of states."

I bite my lip. I don't want to make the situation worse, but I really don't think Grayson should be driving given how many beers he demolished last night.

He smirks, his brown eyes glistening with surprise. "What's that? One drive in my car and now you want to drive any opportunity you can?" Surprisingly, Grayson throws me a wink and I'm a little taken aback. Nevertheless, I smile and head to the drivers seat.

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