Chapter Seventy Four

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I wasn't sure why I drove myself all the way to my parent's house in Mayfair, but I did and when I pulled up I just held my head in my hand before I found the courage to actually leave the car.

I knew I'd have to tell my parents sooner or later that Mia left me. But they loved Mia, and it was the first girlfriend of mine they ever loved. I can't say that they thought much of Delilah—not that I blame them—but the only two times they met her she was more interested in talking about herself than she was anyone else.

But they know I didn't love Delilah, and they know I love Mia. Granted, I don't see my parents as often as I should, and my conversations with my dad don't usually overstep the 'business talk', but they know full well what I thought of Mia.

What I still think of her.

Mum looks somewhat bewildered when she opens the door, her mouth partially open in a battle between gawping and smiling.

     "Grayson my boy!" She grabs me, pulling me into her arms. "What on earth brings you here?!"

Yeah, I should really start seeing my parents more. My mum's sheer surprise at me turning up is somewhat embarrassing.

I shrug my shoulders, my face glum. "I just wanted to see you guys."

     "Well sure! Anytime! Come in."

Mum steps to the side and I pass her, staring at the endless framed photos that line the walls of this overly expensive house. Just as I'm eyeing up an old photo of me and Chloe, Dad steps through the door from the lounge and claps his hands together.

     "Grayson my boy!" He pats me firm on the back. "Good to see you!"

I nod my head, forcing a smile even though everything behind the smile is pain. Loneliness.

      "I'm glad you're here actually," Dad says as I follow he and Mum into the kitchen, watching as Mum takes out a bottle of white wine from the fridge whilst Dad flips open his laptop. With a slight sigh, he runs his hands through his grey hair and ushers me to his side.

     "What's up Dad?" I ask curiously.

Dad's brows pulls together as he stares at the screen, his index finger guiding my eyes to some digits on a spreadsheet.

"For some reason the accounts for Plasma aren't adding up. We seem to be unaccounted for some money."

Of course we are. Because I borrowed it to pay off some debt.

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