" Please don't tell me it's true. " I whispered facing no one but Alec as the door behind me creaked revealing Tyler.

" Tell you what is? " Alec looked perplexed along with the others.

" That I wasn't who you saw me as. " I stated not able to continue.

" as R-rosie. " I whimpered breathing heavily.

" I- " He froze as I cut him off.

" I was told she was like me or. . . that I was like her. That we shared the same mentality in a way along with our problems. W-was that why you helped me? Because you saw her in me. "

" Because you brought us back to life. "

" As her, not as me. . . Melanie? Blake? " I turned to them tears filling my eyes.

Melanie was choking on her words a tear in her eye as she approached me but I took a step back knowing the answer to it.

" I'm s-sorry, but I've hurt myself enough. " I cried running away and up to my room where I mourned the most and rushed to my phone dialing the same number over and over again. Even after years I still had hope that he'll respond and like every other time, he didn't.
Dialing the other closest number to heart hoping maybe she'd respond , but I was cut off. Why do I keep trying? Why do I hold onto everything that has let go of me?
Why is it that I try hard for the things that let go of me easily.

The amount pain I felt in my chest at the moment was uncountable and no matter how I express it, it wouldn't be enough.
I was so darkened by my thoughts that suddenly I was on the phone with dad as I cried off what was on my chest for so long on how I hated how my life has become.

" Why did you even bring me here when I asked you not to? Why did you do what was best for you and not for us?! Don't you see it's affecting me? I need help dad. It hurts and you're gone. I'm alone. " I cried through the phone as he heard with pure silence.

" Hazel, trust me on this when I say this is for the best. I'm sorry I couldn't be there right now, but I'm sure I'll be soon enough. "

" You always say that. You said that to mom. . "

" It's different. This is different. " He stated but I ended the call not giving him a chance to finish since my door came to a halt as Alessandro came in a look of worrisome etched on his face as he saw the dry tears smuged on my cheeks.

" Hey, I heard you crying and I. . I wanted to check up. "

" I'm fine. "

" That's what everyone says when they're not Haz. "

" It hurts Ales. " I cried as he rushed to hug me as I cried wetting his shirt as he hugged me back holding me tight.

" I know. Just cry it out. " he says which catches me off-guard as I turned to him confused.

" It's the first time anyone has said that to me. "

" Sometimes people like to hear lies, that its okay,but you, you want truth. "

" Yet I don't seem to get it. " I noted wiping the tears of my face.

" As for the truth, don't judge them Hazel. Give them time, they're healing, as are you. "

Tylers P.O.V

" This was meant for Rosie, not for me. It never will. " She whispered.

A tear of mine left my eye realizing that it never will as she stated.

A part of me wanted to believe her, but the other told me that something deep inside me cared for Hazel, Hazel and not Rosie.
Something that frightened me deeply. That if I do work things out with Hazel I'll ruin her as I ruined Rosie. That I'll hurt her.
" Good doesn't have good intentions. "
She quoted which I agree to.
Maybe I sound good to her and maybe she does to me , but it'll never work out.

As much as I wanted to stop Hazel and tell her the truth, that I care for her, but I didn't want to cause another heartbreak because of me.
Every day I hold the thought in my mind of how I ruined so much yet so little. I assumed love was enough , but sometimes love has consequences that'll never be fixed.

Rosie, I thought I loved her. I knew I did, but would someone that love break the one they love?
The burden I hold of Rosies decision haunts me everyday thinking if only I let her be and not obligate her to choose.
That it maybe could've made a difference and she could've been here right now.
Some days I just believe that it is me that killed her ,but only was it her and the pills she took to free herself from choosing between two people that cared deeply for her. Choosing herself was her answer remaining that she'd never choose between the both of us despite our choices of choosing her over our friendship.

If only she knew that both of us are deeply falling into it again. . .
Who cried cause I did! Lol
I hope you guys enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️
Who wants an Alec chapter????!

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