🥀Kobe Morris🥀

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(random topic) 

+Your pov+

I woke up with the sun hitting my skin, I slowly opened my eyes, and felt someone's face buried in the middle of my boobs. This boy.. my best friend, Kobe Morris, Kbreeezo, whatever.

We've been best friends for 18 years now. We read in the same school and same college. Now, he's number 1 CEO in America and we've both finished our studies.

This is my house, one day Kobe decided that he wants to live with me, and I accept his decision, and we've been together for 4 years. We live the way as couples do, we cuddle, we kiss, we also did it like TEN times already.

Honestly, I've liked him since childhood, maybe he likes me too, but I'm not sure. One more thing.. the man is obsessed with my boobs, he's very touchy with them too. He says it makes him feel warm and happy. Even when we sleep, he'll get rid of my shirt and play with my nipples until he falls asleep.

I trust him anyways, I know he'll never leave me hanging. And that's why I love him. 


Kobe: "Good Morning, baby."

You: "Good Morning, go eat your breakfast."

He suddenly pulled me closer to him, sitting me on his lap and put his head under my oversize t-shirt, and starts sucking and nibbling on my nipples.

You: "Hey! Stop it, you- Kobe!"

Kobe: "Just two more minutes, baby."

After his 2 more minutes, he finally stopped and took his head out from under my shirt.

Kobe: "You know what? You're boobs are the tastiest."

I turned away from him as I felt my cheeks heat up. 

Kobe: "Aw~ My baby's blushing."

You: "Shut up! And hurry and eat, then get ready otherwise you'll be late."


Kobe: "Okay I'm leaving, if you need anything, just call me okay?"

You walked to him and nodded, he kissed your lips while giving a little squeeze on my boobs.

Kobe: "I love you."

You: "I love you too."

Kobe: "Bye, take care."


I needed some fresh air so I came out on the balcony and took a seat on the couch. I leaned back and looked up at the sky. It's so beautiful! I

 sighed and started thinking about Kobe, and the relation we have... The way we are right now is not right. I need to talk to him. 

+Kobe's pov+

After work, I came home immediately because I missed her and I needed her cuddles. But when I greeted her, she acted weird. Yeah she hugged me and kissed me, but she didn't speak.

What happened today?

Kobe: "Y/N-"

You: "We need to talk."

Kobe: "About?"

You: "About.... our relationship."

Kobe: "Go on."

You: "We are best friends, right? I think, we're not doing exactly what we're supposed to do. I know you don't listen to people but you are my best friend. Yes, I trust you and will respect you, but I just don't want people gossiping about us-"

Kobe: "Will you marry me, Y/N?" -I asked which caught her off guard.

You: "W-what?"

Kobe: "I want to live with you, I want to be with you, I want you there by my side. You think of me as your best friend, but I think of you as my fucking wife, and I love you, I mean it. That's why I would always ask for your cuddles, for your hugs, for you to play with my hair, and give me kisses."

Kobe: "And we already did it TEN fucking times and you still think of me as your best friend?"

You: "A-are you mad at me?"

Kobe: "No, I'm just disappointed. But please Y/N, stay with me.. I'm happy when I'm with you. Let's get married. I need you here for me, forever."

I walked up to her and dug into my pocket, pulling out a box. I opened it and showed her this..

She gasped softly, I chuckled and took the ring out, taking her ring finger just to put it on

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She gasped softly, I chuckled and took the ring out, taking her ring finger just to put it on. She smiled down at it before looking up at me.

You: "Aw, I love you, Kobe!" -she exclaimed and pecked me all over my face.

Kobe: "I love you too, Y/N.... No, can I play with them?'

You: "With what?... Oh, my boobies?"

Kobe: "You know what? Let's just fuck."

The End!

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