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My Police Officer.


Mike was in a shop next to the Police Station. He noticed that a man dropped his things and were about to leave it there.

"Sir, you dropped your cereal," I picked it up giving the man.

"Are you a police officer?"


The man nodded and came to pick up his stuff, Mike on the other hand was curious. When the man stood up, Mike looked at him. His eyes widened when he saw who it was. Remy.

"I'm sorry for my awkward behavior, Mr... Chong."

He turned around and left the store. After he left, Mike ran out and to his house. He opened the door and stumbled in because of the rug.

"Stupid rug!"

He took his phone out and called Isabelle.

☠❤Isabelle (mine)❤☠

"Baby, can you come to my house?"

"Yeah but why?"

"It's important."

"Okay, I'm coming."

He hung up and sighed. A few minutes later, Isabelle came in and sat down on the floor since he was sitting on the floor. 

"Baby, you're shaking. What is it?" she asked.

"I m-met him," he looked at her.


"I met Remy in a shop nearby the Police Station."


Mike told her everything and Isabelle eyes widened. 

"When he said my last name, I froze a little.. like, he didn't look at my badge he just said it."

"It seems like he remembers you."

"If he remembers me, I don't think you will be able to destroy him."

Mike got up and kicked the rug and yelled. Isabelle got up and hugged him making him calm down. 

"Shh, everything will be over soon, I promise."

Isabelle gave him a peck on the lips and he just sighed.


I was in my office doing some paper work while waiting for my secretary to come in. She opened the door and came up to me, sitting on the desk.

"I'm sorry for being late, boss."

"It's fine, Aliyah."

She gave me the papers about Mike and I sat there reading the information of him. 

"We meet again, Michael," I smirked.

Hoodie Boys Imagines ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें