Chapter 63: You Are a Freak

Start from the beginning

"No, no problem," she quickly replies. She places a hand on my cheek as she gazes into my eyes. "I know how much she meant to you, how much she still means to you. She's important to me too. I'm not gonna forbid you from talking to her or anything after finally getting her back. I couldn't take that away from you," she conveys. I smile fondly at her, grateful for how understanding she is. She has always been so respectful toward my memory of y/n.

"Thanks, honey. Goodnight," I respond, pecking her lips. She returns the "goodnight" and soon enough, I'm out like a light.

"Which movie?" I ask y/n as we sit on my bed. She scans the movie cases sprawled out on the bed. I study her face, immediately knowing that she's undecided. It's movie night at my house with my family and my mom's boyfriend. Bob isn't my favorite person so I don't really care for movie night. The only good thing about it is being able to invite my girlfriend.

"Man, I don't know. Why don't you ask Will?" y/n answers. I collect all the movies and scoff.

"You're no help. Why do I keep you around?" I joke, making her giggle.

"Because you love me and you'd be lost without me," she fires back, smiling innocently at me.

"Can't argue with that," I reply, giving her a short kiss. We gleam at each other when we part. "Let's go ask Will," I suggest as I hold the movies in one hand and clasp her hand to pull her off the bed with the other. We walk down the hall and knock on Will's door. I open it and we invite ourselves in. "Hey, bud. I, uh, didn't know what you'd like so I got a variety. Take your pick," I greet Will, setting the cases down on the dresser beside me.

"Hi, Will," y/n kindly greets my brother.

"Hi," Will grins at her. "Whatever you want," he addresses me before going back to what he was doing.

"See, he's no help either. Why don't you tell him something?" y/n sarcastically remarks. I nudge her arm, silently scolding her and she just raises her hands up in defense, confused by my reaction. Will's a little sensitive since he got out of the Upside Down, I don't want to risk ticking him off.

"Alright," I acknowledge Will before sitting on his bed. Y/n goes around to the other side and plops down as well. "What are you working on?" I ask the boy.

I peek at his paper, seeing an interesting drawing. "Zombie Boy? Who's Zombie Boy?"

"Ooo, is that like a superhero or something?" y/n asks him. Will awkwardly looks around.

"No, it's me," he replies, sounding a bit embarrassed. Y/n and I exchange a look.

"Did someone call you that?" I question. I proceed to grill him when he doesn't talk. "Hey, you can talk to me. You know that, right? Whatever happened."

"Jonathan," y/n cautiously calls my name. I brush her off and continue to pester Will to tell me what's bothering him.

"Will, come on, Talk to me!"

"Stop treating me like that!" Will snaps.

"What? Like what?" I ask baffled. Y/n sits beside me, staring down at her lap.

"Like everyone else does. Like there's something wrong with me."

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused.

"Mom, Dustin, Lucas, everyone. They all treat me like I'm gonna break. Like I'm a baby. Like I can't handle things on my own. The only one who treats me normally is y/n!" I glance at her for a second before looking at Will again. "It doesn't help. It just makes me feel like more of a freak."

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