ᴏꜰ ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ ꜱᴡᴇʟʟ

Start from the beginning

She hadn't exactly forgotten her vengeance on the cavalry captain.

"What is it you needed?" (Y/n) leaned her arm against the tavern wall, her head cocked to the side.

Kaeya projected his voice as way from the others. "Let me start by saying it's nice to see you doing well," He smiled. "You're flourishing. As expected."

(Y/n) playfully rolled her eyes. "Come on, Kaeya," She slightly shook her head. "What's going on?"

The man's smile grew a bit wider. "So straightforward. I like that."

Kaeya then relaxed. "Very well then. On behalf of my brother, would you do me the honor of accompanying him to an upcoming event?"

(Y/n) stared at him. "What?" She tilted her head the other way.

The knight too leaned against the wall, his head pressed against it with a tug to the end of his lips. "The winery is holding an audience with a few aristocrats to celebrate its anniversary of success," He explained. "Diluc, being the owner, is applauded for such a feat. But, this does invite unwanted attention he prefers not to have."

(Y/n) raised a brow. "Ahuh. Are you sure it's okay for you to ask me this?" She sounded unsure.

"Oh, my brother likes you very much," Kaeya said. "To what extent? I don't know myself. But I do know it'd make his day having a friend like you by his side for once."

(Y/n) averted her gaze, glancing off towards the redhead's direction.

Kaeya followed her line of sight. "He may come off as closed, though in reality, Diluc is rather shy. And I know he's thought of it, but he'd never ask you himself," He partly lied. But which part of it, you'd never know.

"Every year you can tell by his face he's rather lonely, even when surrounded by so many smiles." He then looked back at her. "I think yours would change that."

"That's a rather big assumption," She said. "I honestly don't mind, but does he know you're asking?"

"It's a surprise," His visible eye narrowed.

(Y/n) furrowed her brows. "Diluc doesn't seem like the type to like surprises..."

Kaeya laughed. "Have a little faith in me as his older brother," He encouraged her. "I promise you, I know him better than anyone else."

(Y/n) pondered for a moment.

Given how influential and popular Diluc was, she'd be mistaken to take this event as a casual evening party. Surely the winery would be transformed into an extravagant setting, filled with people of the same tastes. But luckily for Kaeya, she was no stranger to these types of things.

She'd been living them nearly every day her entire life.

(Y/n) made up her mind. "I'll look out of place with the dresses I have from Fontaine," She spoke up. "I don't suppose you have a solution for that, do you?"

"Great observation, (Y/n)" Kaeya was notably well prepared for the question by his relaxed demeanor. "But I wouldn't worry. It's my responsibility to prepare you well for the night after all."

"That being said, unless you don't mind a fitting, do hand Noelle a dress of yours for measurements," He said. "I've already filled her in on the details."

(Y/n) raised a brow. "Noelle knows how to make clothes?"

"No, no, no," Kaeya shook his head. "She's simply tasked with the responsibility to deliver it elsewhere. That is, if you choose to go that route."

The cavalry captain took a step back. "Well then, I'll leave the next part up to you," He waved her goodbye.

(Y/n) watched as he left without another word, not even to anyone he passed by. She glanced back at Diluc, her eyes darting across his figure.

It was awfully nice Kaeya wanted to do this for him, so she thought no harm in accepting the brother's request.

She caught glimpse of Eula's expression as she sat back down, a look of worry and suspicion though it'd take a second glance to notice.

"Sorry," (Y/n) flashed Eula a warm smile. "I hope I didn't take too long."

"...What exactly did Kaeya tell you?" Eula asked. "That is, if it's alright to share."

(Y/n), without moving her head, glanced over at Diluc who stood behind the bar.

His lashes cowered as he glanced down at the glass he wiped away at, that concentrated look he always wore a bit more relaxed than usual. And then, their gaze met.

The first time she'd settled into his eyes, there was once a fierce fire that settled into her bones. But after so many times, it had softened. It was the undercurrent she hadn't realized to this pleasant atmosphere when around the man.

It was funny how silent he was at first, as if trying to figure her out. And how open and talkative he became when he succeeded. But it was only because she allowed him in.

In the same fraction of the second, (Y/n) passed off the coincidental meeting of their gaze by glossing over towards Eula's pale face. "...Nothing in particular," Her lips moved naturally.

The Spindrift Knight's eyes slightly curved. "Him and that arrogant smirk of his. You should be warned he's a smooth talker," She explained. "Careful what you say."

(Y/n) looked rather puzzled. "Kaeya doesn't seem like a bad person," She said. "I have faith in him. A little."

But all Eula could do in response was lift the mug in hand to her lips and hope trouble stayed clear of her newfound friend's path.


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