Took me by surprise (Ohio x Indiana x Alabama)

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Just some angsty Ohio, Ala, and Indi song story because I wanna be good at those-

TW: Mentions the Civil, but feel free to skip if ya ain't comfy with that.


I would react badly
To the slightest hint of hesitance


"Make me." 

He'd bend awkwardly to suit my mood
No word from his defense

Ohio groaned loudly, this damn state was so stubborn. And over what? Losing a war? That's all? Piece of shit shouldn't have joined it anyway. "Why is it so difficult to answer a few questions, that's all I want," Ohio growled, leaning very close to Alabama. "I don't wanna speak to butchers, ya fucking murderer." 

I'd cry knowing how my tears
Felt like acid burning through his skin



No no no no no! Ohio couldn't be a murderer... Or a butcher. He did what needed to be done to win. He and Sherman had a plan! And if it worked it worked. Right? "The hell are you talking about?!" 

Pushed every little button
But the right one that would let me in

"Georgia. Fucking South Carolina? The fires!! DOES THAT RING A BELL?!" Alabama snapped, not actually meaning to. But damn did it feel good. "Tsk. I'm fucking done with you." Ohio stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind him. A huge wave of relief hit Alabama as soon as he heard a lock. 

Now he's afraid of me
Now he's afraid of me

Ohio was terrifying. He was surprised about being able to keep a serious face on that entire time. He was worried about what he'd do to 'em. After what happened to... Alabama growled, god he'd kill Ohio himself if he had the chance. His nieces and nephews...

All of them. 

He killed them.

The door opened yet again, this time a smaller male entered the room. 

It took me by surprise
The hatred in his eyes

Alabama glared at him, Indiana... He didn't know what his intentions were, he'd met him before tho. He was... nice. Not as much of a threat compared to his... ugh. Lover, Ohio. He wished he was him sometimes. Indiana wore a big oversized brown coat, with a black shirt, and your standard blue jeans with boots. Much better clothing than his simple, torn-up T-shirt and shorts. 

Indiana stepped a little closer to the couch Alabama was seated on. Rather uncomfortable with the glares, the dark blue eyes seemed like they were piercing into his soul. "You've been through a lot, do you want a snuggle buddy?"

"K-kinda..." Indiana smiled at him, god if he wasn't blushing before he sure was now. "His name is Mr. Pancake," Indiana says, handing him a black and white stuffed bear, complete with a bow tie. Alabama hugged it tightly, it smelled like him...

Indiana giggled a little, he never thought he'd say this about the enemy. But this rebel was kinda cute.

I've pushed this man as far as he could go
But he lacked the words to let me know
He acted out, now I can see it is my fault

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