I declare you all losers

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Tup: who wants to have an armwrestle championship?

Kix: *bummed out cause he just lost to Ahsoka* Hard no.

Jesse: sure.

Fives: cool.

Echo: fine.

Hardcase: hehehehe.. I'll just the an observer

Tup: I'll go against Jesse and Fives can go against Echo. Gonna stay and watch Commander?

Ahsoka: sure. Beats listening to one of Anakin's rants about how the jedi code sucks or how Windu's light saber is girly.

*awkward silence*

Tup: alrightie then 3 2 1 go!

5 hours later

Tup: ugh we've been at this for five kriffing hours!  How long is it gonna take for one of us to break!?

Hardcase: hehe. Forever.

Fives: What!?

Hardcase: you heard me. Forever. You guys literally cannot win or lose. You all are equal in endurance, strength, and determination.

Echo: Hey I thought I was the smart one!?

Jesse: wait let's go back and bit. Let's clear some stuff up. Hardcase do you mean to tell me that were equally matched and physically can't win?

Hardcase: that's exactly what I mean.

Fives: What!!

Hradcase: yeah I mean technically we are all made from the same person, went through the same training, have the same diet, never train more then we have to, and we all waste our lives doing the same shit everyday. So yeah I knew that none of you would win. What? You didn't?

Ahsoka: I did. That is the only reason I'm still here lol

Hardcase: Wow and you guys call me the dumb one.

Jesse: so wait. If we all have the same strength then who wins?

Hardcase: none of you.

Ahsoka: As Commander of this highly idiotic and extremely childish battalion I declare you all losers.
The end.

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