Praying for death

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Ahsoka: *gets shot in the leg repeatedly*

Rex: Commander are you okay!?

Ahsoka: oh. Oh yeah I feel great. In fact I might as well just march up to the Seperatist outpost right now and go bitch slap Grevious in the face... ARE YOU LIDDING ME DO I LOOK LIKE A PERSON WHO IS OKAY!?!

Rex: ... Either you kill me for pissing you off or the general kills me for letting you get shot? Which would be worse

Ahsoka: *chuckles darkly* Anakin would be best. At least then you death would be quick qnd painless. I on the other rhand would have tou praying for death. *smiles wickedly*

Rex: um...

Ahsoka: well that took a dark turn. Anyways back to my extremely painful wound. *sharply inhales* OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!

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