Just getting started

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Maul: Worst night ever.

Obi-wan: Oh? You think I'm having fun on this date? Because I am not.

Maul: Then let's not talk.

Obi-wan: Fine!

Maul: Fine.


Obi-wan: You know-

Maul: Ughhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Obi-wan: *not bothered at all* There is no good reason why you and I shouldn't be able to sit here together and have a conversation.

Maul: I got a good one.

Obi-wan: Which is?

Maul: I've tried to kill you cause I don't kriffing like you!

Obi-wan: Really. You can't think of one thing you like about me?

Maul: *really thinking about it* I like when your sad.

Obi-wan: See? We can bond over- wait did you seriously just say that?

Maul: Yes. Yes I did.

Obi-wan: Hm. Try again. This time, reach deep down into that twisted, bitter heart and see if you can find anything nice to say about me.

Maul: *really really thinking about it* nope nothing comes to-

Obi-wan: MAUL

Maul: Alright alright. Jeez. Your singing isn't horrible.

Obi-wan: How the hell would you know tha- you know what nevermind. I'll take what I can get. Thanks so much.

Maul: Now let's hear you say something nice about me.

Obi-wan: Sure. I admire how your never afraid to say what you think.

Maul: That is so idiotic I think your last brain cell just puked in disgust.

Obi-wan: See! It's your turn again.

Maul: Don't you think we've damaged enough self esteem fir one forced hangout?

Obi-wan: Maul.

Maul: Fine. I suppose a few people would say that from q certain perspective, your *aggressively clears throat* pretty.

Obi-wan: *shocked that worked*

Maul: You could say I'm pretty!

~Plot twist~

Obi-wan: Ah hell nah bruh you so ugly that at a strip club people would pay you to keep your damn clothes on!

Maul: Damn. O-Okay let's just calm down-

Obi-wan: You so ugly that you make blind padawans cry!

Maul: Yeah okay whatever, can we stol now please-

Obi-wan: You so ugly that when you went to the bathroom, you scared the shit out of the toilet!

Maul: Seriously that's enough-

Obi-wan: You so ugly that when you enter haunyed houses, you walk out with job applications!

Maul: Yeah were done here.

Obi-wan: No were not! I'm just getting started!

Next chapter will be the most epic yo mama joke war you'll ever see in your life.

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