I'm taking you to therapy || part 3

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Hardcase: You know how-

Rex: Okay im gonna just stop you right there. Im tired. Were all tired.

Fives: I'm not!

Rex: I don't care. Every cool person in the room is tired. Are you seriously gonna put us through your line of questioning again?


Hardcase: Yes. Now you know how when you feel bugs on you but there ate no bugs on you, their just the ghosts of past bugs you've murdered.

Fives: Ooh fascinating. That explains why I feel like a spiders on my knee.

Echo: No that's because thats the sister of the spider you killed earlier today and she's actually on your knee.

Fives: Oh *looks at knee* and so she is. Continue.

Hardcase: When you clean the vacuum cleaner, aren't you the vacuum cleaner?

Dogma: Holy fudge nuggets I never thought about it.

Echo: Okay dude stop weve reached the breaking point. You already have poor Kix in there questioning everything he's ever known!

Kix: What the fuck is life?

Hardcase: Nothing is ever really on fire, but fire is on things.

Ahsoka: 'Join the 501st' they said. 'You'll meet exciting new people' they said.

Hardcase: If life is unfair to everyone, than is life fair to everyone?

Jesse: Alrigjt I liked it at first but now ypur making me want to rip off your lips and sruff them in my ears so I dont have to listen to you anymore!

Hardcase: Dude... if you already ripped off my lips I cant talk so why would you put them in your ears?

Jesse: Finally! A relatable question!

Tup: This is never gonna end is it.

Hardcase: If I get scared 'half to death twice'... what happens then?


Rex: Alright Kix make room. I'm coming in.

Jesse: Yeah Im gonna go call that therapist amd make sure were still on for Thursday.

Kix: It's too late for us. Run. Save yourself.

Jesse: Alright nevermind. Immediate appointment it is.

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