In charge of the mission now

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Anakin: Which outstanding troopers have you hand-picked for this top secret mission Rex?

Rex: Fives and Jesse sir.

Anakin: Are you kriffing shitting me? Cause I'm jot playing around here Captain.

Rex: No sir.

Anakin: Out of 40 hundred fabulous soldiers you pick the 2 most foolhardy men you have?

Rex: I assure you General, Jesse and Fives are very competent, have creative minds, and will treat this mission like they treat eveeything else-

Anakin: So they'll treat it like a practical joke?

Rex: No sir. They will treat it as a life or death situation as I ordered them to. As a matter of fact, I even ordered them to traun from now until the mission to prove their dedication to the mission sir.

Anakin: So if we were to call them right now they wouldn't pick up because they're training?

Rex: Yes sir.

Anakin: Let's test out this theory. *coms Jesse* This is General Skywalker, please respond Jesse.

Jesse: *over the com* O-Oh! Hey General! You look quite dashing! Hehe he..

Anakin: You can't see me.

Jesse: Or can I...? No I'm totally kidding sir. Oh hey is Captain Rex with you? I kinda need to speak to him privately. It's about Fives.

Anakin: Sure.

Rex: *walks over closer to hear Jesse*

Anakin: Here he is.

Rex: What is it Jesse? Is Fives trying to get out of training by claiming he's pulled a muscle again? Just tell him you can't pull what you don't have and he'll snap back to it.

Jesse: No it's not that sir. Though he did try it earlier buf after we left the training room early we kinda maybe sorta totally snuck into your room to borrow your caf maker.

Rex: WHAT!?!?!?!?

Jesse: I'm sorry sir. But it's gone.

Rex: *holding in sobs* H-how did it h-happen?

Jesse: Fices wanted his caf to test extra gooey so he sruck some marshmellows in the cad pot and... well... it exploded.

Rex: *drops to knees preparing to pull a Vader* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Anakin: *cuts off com* So? What did we learn today Rex?

Rex: Call Dogma and Kix. They're now in charge of the mission.

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