Jesse's girl

481 15 3

*At 79's*
Jesse: Hardcase no.

Hardcase: Hardcase yes.

All the other men: Hard-case! Hard-case! Hard-case!

Hardcase: Here goes nothing. Wish me luck and warn me if the captain comes Jesse. *activates karaoke mode*

Jesse in the corner: *taps com* Captain. Help me. Come to 79's down in the lower levels and arrest Hardcase.

Rex on com: but he's your bro-

Jesse: Dew it! *turns off com and then internally dies when he sees the song title*

Hardcase in his epicly bad singing voice: JesSe iS a fRiEnD of MinE, yEAh I knOW HeS bEEn A gOOd fRiEnd oF mInE, bUt laTely SoMeThiNgS chAngED AnD I dOnT tHiNk iTs haRd tO dEfIne...

Jesse: oh God no...

Hardcase still singing bad: JeSSe's got a gIrl aNd I WaNt tO mAkE HeR MINEEEEEE!!!

*literally everyone stares and laughs at Jesse*

Rex: *stands in doorway* oh lord what did I walk in to?

Jesse: Captain! Oh thank goodness your here! Arrest that ma- Rex!? Are you dancing!?

Rex: no.... what its catchy. Oh and by the way Who's this lucky lady?

Jesse: why. Why me. God what have I don't to you to deserve this mostrosity!?

Hardcase still in mid song: AnD sHeS waTcHinG hIm wItH thOse eyEs, aNd shEs lOvInG hIm wiTH ThaT boDy I jUsT knOw IT, aND hEs hOlDing hEr In HiS arMs lAtE, LatE aT niGhT

Rex: late at night. Have you been sneaking out Jesse?

Jesse: Hardcase you [beep] I'm gonna [beep] kill your sorry little [beep] and you'll wish that you were [beep] dead!

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