Siblings be like:

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Ps this would never hapoen between them um just pointingout what me and my siblings are luke through them

Fives: *just chilling*

Tup: *just chilling*

Echo: *just wanting to chill* Hey can I hang out with you guys.

Fives: No. And you should probably go wash off your armor too because you look stupid.

Echo: I-Its not stupid... is it?

Fives: Yeah it is. And you should probably change tour hair too because it makes you look like a giant toddler.

Echo: But we have the same- wHaT!?

Tup: *evil sniggering*

Fives: Oh and a youngling called me too. He says that he's pressing charges against you for identity theft.

Tup: Yeah you look like an idiot dude!

Fives: What. Did you. Just. Say.

Tup: No man cause you were- and he looks like a-

Fives: SHHHHHUT UP... He is brave, he is loyal and and her is awesome.

Tup: B-But you just-

Fives: Get out.

Tup: Dude seriously?

Fives: Get walking.

Echo: *watches Tup leave then loiks back st his arc twin* Thank you.

Fives: ThAnKyOu. Get lost.

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