Ahsoka gets 'the talk'

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Ahsoka's pov
After I was done talking to Padme in the Senate apartment I passed the twi'lek senator Orn Free Taa. I over heard him talking about something called a 'sex droid'. What is that? I rode my speeder back to the jedi temple and immediately spotted Anakin.

"Hey master."

"Hey snips. What's up?" He took a sip of his water.

"Oh nothing much. Just one quick question. I heard a senator talking about 'sex droids'" Anakin choked on his water a little.

"What the hell is a kriff'in Senator doing talking about sex droids!?" He exclaimed. I just shrugged and continued on to my question.

"Anyways I know what droids are but what exactly is sex?" I asked him. Anakin went from choking to spitting. Unfortunately for Obi-wan he just happened to be walking by at the exact moment I asked the question and got the Oh so lovely view of Anakin's slavia. Obi-wan glared harshly at us. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out until finally he settled on,

"I'm not even gonna ask. But I'll be right back with a towel." Obi-wan just walked away toward the medics room to get a towel I suppose.

"So master you haven't answered my question yet. What is sex?" He basically just said 'uhh' for 10 minutes until finally coming up with,

"It is an activity Padme and I do." I nodded almost afraid of where this was going.

"Okay. But can you tell me more? What is it exactly down to the detail." I begged almost demanded. He fumbled around his words a little until saying.

"Jumping! Yeah it is a type of training... that does- helps you learn how to jump... higher. So basically its Jumping training." He finished. Anakin almost looked proud of himself although I dont know why. I feel like that was a lie. Hmm. Only one way to find out. Master Kenobi walked up to us with a towel in his hands. Anakin was about to take a sip of his water glass again but before he could Obi-wan said

"Ooh water." And snatched it right out of my masters hand. He took a sip as an idea formed in my mind.

"Hey Master Obi-wan. Wanna have sex?" This time Obi-wan sprayed the water on Amakin. Why is everyone so surprised when I say that one word?

"WHAT!?" Obi-wan screamed at me and Anakin. Anakin was visibly cringing in the corner as he face palmed.

"Please dont tell me you told her what I told you?" Obi-wan asked Anakin. I stared intently at their conversation.

"Of course I did look who your talking too!" He snapped back.

"Well I suppose it could've been worse. At least she asked a friend by mistake and not Master Windu like some idiotic padawan I used to know."

"It was one time! And I didn't even know what it meant because you lied to me!"

"Lied to you. You mean like what your doing with your padawan?" Obi-wan retorted back. Anakin looked at me then back at his old master. Anakin was at a loss for words.

"Anakin one of the duties of being a master is teaching their padawans... certain things." I nodded in agreement with Obi-wan. Anakin sighed but I could tell he wasn't done yet.

"I am not teaching sex to a 12 year old!"

"I am 14."

"Still young!" I rolled my eyes at my masters pathetic excuse.

"So let me get this straight. I'm old enough to fight in am intergalactic war, witness countless deaths everyday, risk my life to save yours, constantly, find my self in near death situations at least twice a week, fight crazy sith warriors, travel to other planets weekly, be a commander to several troops all while keeping your stupid-ass out of trouble which I fail miserably at but still you think I'm too young for a sex talk? Whatever the hell that is!?" Both of their jaws was dropped.

"Uh... yes?" I gave him the look. He groaned but obliged.

"Ugh! Fine."

10 minutes later

"Alright snips here we go." He lifted up the donut in his robotic hand and lifted up the bannana in the other. He caught me by surprise as he trusted the bannana into the donut hole repeatedly.

"Oh my god Anakin! Stop violating the donut!!"

"I can't snips this is how sex works."

"Why would a girl let a man do that to her!?"

"See this is why I wanted to wait until you were 18!" He retorted back. But that's when something clicked.

"Wait. Didn't you say you and Padme... EWW!!! Please tell me you didn't actually have sex with Senator Amidala?"

"Okay. I didn't have sex with Senator Amidala." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay now that we have false promises out of the way tell me the truth. Did you or did you not have sex with Padme?" He stood frozen.

"Uhhhh... I didn't?" I scoffed and cleverly replied,

"Wow. Just as dumb as I met you."

Get Wrecked

Okay guys thats the end. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed and also sont forget to vote please. AND one more thing. Please go follow my other account on wattpad called Snips_101. Ok thanks bye.

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