Just no

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Anakin: *screaming*

Obi-wan: *screaming louder to alert dominance*

Ahsoka: should we stop then?

Rex: nah. Just give them a minute.

Ahsoka: maybe 10.

Rex: 10!? 10 minutes is very wishful thinking.

Ahsoka: but your just guessed 1 minute a second ago.

Rex: yeah well I changed my mind. Now it's 30 minutes tops.

Ahsoka: now THAT is very wishful thinking. I'd say 1 hour at least.

8 hours later

Anakin and Obi-wan: *still screaming*

Rex: Alright Generals  you've been keeping us awake for hours so you left us with no choice. Wr had to being in the big guns.

Obi-wan: what big guns?

Anakin: wait I'm confused. Are they gonna shoot us?

Ahsoka: nope. Well not yet at least. The big gun is Padme. Anakin I hope you know you don't stand a chance.

Anakin: *sigh* I know.

Padme: Anakin! How dare you keep your lovely troopers, master, and padawan awake this long just to hear your stupidity! You are going to march in your quarters and think about what you've done! *sees Ahsoka and Rex smirking in the corner* And apologize to your Captain Rex and Ahsoka. Now!

Anakin: *mutters what sounds like gibberish*

Padme: big boy voice please.

Anakin: SORRY!!!

Padme: good. Now go to your quarters and think about what you've done. Now for Obi-wan.

Obi-wan: with all due respect Senator but I have no such weaknesses for you to exploit.

Padme: that's where your wrong Obi-wan. You do have weaknesses but I won't be the one exploiting them. Satine! Come on in!

Satine" Obi I-

Obi-wan: no. Just- just no. Thus is not a conversation I'm going to bed. I hope you all have a horrible night. Except you Satine.

Rex: so who won the bet exactly?

Ahsoka: no. Just- just no.

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