May the force be with you

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Tup: I'll do a lot of things. But admitting I'm cold after Rex told me to bring a jacket with me is not one of them.

If you deny it, you either live somehwere extremely cold or extremely hot. Or you're just a liar. Period.

Read further for a special message.

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Almost there

SIKE!!! You still got a long way to go lol

Stay with me here guys

And that concludes this book! Thanks so much for being loyal readers. A special thanks to antisocial-mariposa FiendHalo205 and MandolorianJedi for being consistent readers and great friends!

I'll probably start up another skit book later on with stuff like this. If you liked this book be sure to check out the other ones I've written.

For now I say adios amigos and amigirls!

And may the force be with you

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