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Ahsoka: Watch this im gonna make Rexy have a heart attack!

Anakin:... okay...

Rex: *walks in*

Ahsoka: Hey babe.

Rex: yeah?

Ahsoka: I think were ready to have children.

Rex: Agreed. My quarters, 10 minutes.

Ahsoka: w-wait what!? Your okay with this!?

Rex: Yeah im ready. You are too, right?

Ahsoka: No!

Rex: But I thought you just said you were ready to have children.

Ahsoka: I only said that so your voice would be all high and shrill like mine is now!

Rex: oh well if you aren't-

Ahsoka: No, no. Its okay. I suppose i am ready too. Im ready to be a mom.

Rex: Yay!

Ahsoka: Question is, whos gonna be the dad.

Rex: Ya- wait what. What did you just say!? No I want to be the dad youve been dating me for two years now! Im ready to be a dad ibswear I'll be a good one just pick me pleaseeeeee!!!"

Ahsoka: Ah there it is. Gotchu.

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