I'm taking you to therapy

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Hardcase: Ever notice how humans cut down bird houses to make more bird houses?

Echo: Dude. Its 5 in the morning.

Hardcase: If two force wielders were reading each others minds, who's mindsbwould they be reading?

Rex: Hardcase its 5 o'clock in the damn morning what the hell are you on about now?

Hardcase: Your fingers have fingertips but your toes dont have toetips. Yet we can tiptoe but not tipfinger?

Tup: Guys I just came here to get meh coffee...

Hardcase: If tomb is pronounced 'toom' and womb is pronounced 'woom' then why is bomb not pronounced 'boom'?

Fives: Dude it's way too early for this shit. Although you do make some valid points...

Dogma: Please stop.

Hardcase: How can we replicate the feeling of falling from high up in a dream if you've never fallen from high up before?

Kix: Oh please we've all seen Rex with me in the medbay because the general pushed him off a cliff or some shit.

Hardcase: Bro ice cubes float in a pool of their own blood-

Rex: That's it. I'm taking you to therapy.

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