Merry Christmas everyone

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Fives: Hello everybody! Welcome to my new show which as you can see, occurs at midnight! So in yhis show I will question why certain stuff exists and what the point of it is. But first I want you to meet my two very handsome guest stars, may I present to you Tup and Echo!

Echo: Where the hell am I?

Tup: Fives what the fuck did you do!?

Fives: Yeah I never said they volunteered to be guest stars... anyways gentlemen since you are the smartest people I know, minus myself, I have brought-

Echo: Kidnapped. You've kidnapped us.

Fives: To be fair this is not the creepiest thing I've ever done but, whatever. I have kidnapped you here today for you to tell me the meaning of Christmas.

Tup: Dude. Were you born out of a tube or some shit?

Fives: Yes we all were. I'm genuinely curious about your opinions on Christmas or else I wouldn't have kidnapped you.

Tup: Well Christmas is a holiday that brings everybody together to have one big celebration of joy and kindness.

Echo: It's a celebration of life basically.

Fives: Hm. I see. And do you want to here my opinion about-

Echo: No.

Tup: Sure.

Fives: Well I think Christmas is just an excuse or a burden to people because they either feel the need to demand or give presents to people and throw a party. I mean who really knows or cares about the kindness and joy part? Do you?

Echo: Well yesterday I gave you the gift of not dying. Arent you glad I didn't bleed out?

Fives: Eh. But your not answering my question. Is Christmas just another holiday for the greedy to get what they want wrapped in a silver bow for them?

Tup: Well no. To some people Christmas is all about money and presents and that's okay for them but it's not the real meaning of Christmas.

Fives: Than what is? Mistlefeet?

Echo: Dude it's mistletoe.

Fives: Why would someone want to kiss under a toe? A foot is less creepy.

Echo: Dude what do you know about not beung creepy? For god sake you just kidnapped your best friends! Mistlefeet is not a thing!

Fives: Whatever! Tup what does Christmas mean to you?

Tup: You'll laugh if I tell you.

Fives: Tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-

Tup: OKAY!!! Just please stop it. Christmas to me is the one day a year my brothers and I can just sit around a beautiful tree with my whole family while not being shot at. The one day a year I dont have to call my commanding officers sir. The one day a year I won't be judged for being happy. And the one day a year I can give joy to others and vice versa without being reprimanded for 'inappropriate behavior' when in reality all I'm doing is giving my brothers a hug. So yes Fives, some people only see the holiday as a money making or spending excuse or demand, but I don't and neither do our brothers. Christmas is a celebration of life. As long as I'm alive I hope I always get to celebrate with you guys. That's what Christmas means to me.

Echo: *balling his eyes out* that was so beautiful... get your ass over here and give me a hug vod.

Tup: Heh merry Christmas vod.

Echo: Merry Christmas to you to vod. *hugs the living shit out of him*

Tup: Well Fives? Does it make sense tovyou now?

Fives: You know I think I finally get why Christmas exists. Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too vods.

Echo: Alright this is beautiful and all but I just got one last thing to say.

Tup: Oh this better be good.

Rcho: It is. Ready? *clears throat* Merry Christmas ya filthy animal!

Fives: Yeah I don't know what the hell that was but thank you guys for guest starring even if it wasnt willingly. We should do this again sometime soon.

Tup: Yeah, no we shouldnt.

Echo: What he means to say is get us the fuck out of here.

Fives: Merry Christmas everyone!

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