The Arrival of the Turtles!/Attack Plan!

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You had brought your newest allies, the TMNT over to discuss matters of how to take down both the Hand and the Foot Clan! 

Though one of the biggest gripes was, well, having everyone in the mansion acknowledge their existence. 

(Y/N): Are you sure that you guys can handle this? 

Mikey: Yeah of course Bro! 

Leo: Just let us in, we can handle a little bit of criticism! 

You then ring the doorbell, and well, Tohru opens the door. 

Tohru: Welcome back (Y/N)! How w- HUH?! 

She shakes her head and rubs her eyes at looking at the reptiles in half shells. 

Tohru: Why are there four amphibians behind you? 

Don: Amphibians? Turtles are rept- 

Raph: Oh shut up, Don, don't be a nerd. 

Don: I didn't ask for your opinion Raph! 



The Leader of the quad then facepalmed himself. 

Shantae and Twilight: Hey, what's go- HUH?! 

They nearly collapse upon seeing them. 

(Y/N): Brother. 

Soon ... 

Sci-Twi and Mei begin to observe them. 

Mei: Interesting weapons. Nice shell exteriors. 

Sci-Twi: Hmmm ... these reptiles look just interesting. 

Rarity: So, you fight those Foot Clan or whatever they are called? 

Mikey: Yeah, that Shredder, he never really gives up. Man, you're also kinda cute for a human! 

Rarity: And you're sweet for a ... talking turtle. 

(Y/N): Why are you even shocked about this? We have two talking dogs here! 

Spike: Exactly!! 

Cosmo: Cosmo is most concerned about how the anatomy of funny-looking reptiles is! 

Pinkie: Yeah, imagine if we got talking cats later!

She then holds up a sign that says, "Stay tuned for Book 2, coming this August!" 

Sunset: What was that sign just now? 

Pinkie: Oh nothing. 

Pinkie tosses it away!!

Soon ... 

Don: What we need to do, is find the Technodrome, and then storm it. Then we just need to take down all the forces, disable their weapons, and then go for Shredder and that Samurai guy. 

Twilight: It's the Silver Samurai. 

(Y/N): Yeah, but what are we going to do about the samurai/ninja chicks, as well as 80's Pig and Army Rhino. 

Momo: I also worry about that Fly Scientist that was mentioned before. 

(Y/N): Oh he's nothing Momo. 

Momo: Whew. That's a good thing to hear. 

(Y/N): Great! So where do we start? 

Leo: Tonight then. 

(Y/N): Great!! 

And so ... 

You are thinking about the events to come until- 

Tohru: I'll go with him! 

Elma: So you would cause more destruction to the city? Tohru, you're supposed to help protect the humans, not endanger them. 



Tohru: Well then, you're going to have to make me move! Because I'm going to resist you in everywhere I can!! 

The two then begin to get into some various and hilarious slapstick comedy, including whacking each other with baseball bats, and dueling with singing swords, until- 

You yell at them to stop, and they do. 

(Y/N): Just make sure you both look over everyone that you can! 

Girls: Oh okay!! WE'RE ON IT!! 

(Y/N): Great to hear! Alright, I have to get ready! 

Back with the villains .... 

Shredder: This will be glorious. 

Silver Samurai: I could not agree anymore, Oroku Saki. 

Shredder and Silver Samurai: Tonight we dine on Turtle Soup!

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