The Rockers of CHS!

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You make your way to the gymnasium of CHS, and notice that Kyoka is there looking for new recruits into her band. 

The Shadow Five was there with her, and she also had called upon two other students to join. 

(Y/N): Hmm ... this seems to be interesting! Alright, let's see what they're up to!

Mystery Mint (Rocker! She loves Rock and Roll! Her favorite bands happen to be Rolling Stones, AC/DC, and Aerosmith! Voiced by Ashleigh Ball!) 

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Mystery Mint (Rocker! She loves Rock and Roll! Her favorite bands happen to be Rolling Stones, AC/DC, and Aerosmith! Voiced by Ashleigh Ball!) 

Cherry Crash (Rocker! The Best Friend of Mystery Mint! Her favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Green Day! Voiced by Christina Vee!) 

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Cherry Crash (Rocker! The Best Friend of Mystery Mint! Her favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Green Day! Voiced by Christina Vee!) 

(Y/N): Hello ladies! 

Shadow Jam: (Y/N)!!!! 

They are all so excited to see you, that they tackle hug you!! 

Cherry: (Y/N), how you doing dude? 

(Y/N): Great. Hey there Cherry. Mystery. 

Mystery: It's great to see you again. 

Soon ....

You are just sitting around and listening to the ladies perform for Shadow Jam! 

Kyoka: Okay! Wow, you guys are pretty good! 

Cherry: THANKS!!! 

Mystery: HELL YEAH!! 

Lemon: Okay then, I guess they can be more guitarists. What do you think Kyoka? 

The teen hero just claps. 

Kyoka: Welcome to the band ladies. 

Mystery: WOOOOO!!! 

Cherry: HELL YEAH!! 

Sunny: That also means you're in the harem! 

Cherry and Mystery: Huh? 


Kyoka: Did you actually think that we weren't thinking about you either? 

(Y/N): Uh ... 

The girls then sit down with you, and well, they begin discussing things. 

(Y/N): So is it really true? 

Mystery: Yeah, we kind of had an eye on you for a while. 

Cherry: That and we saw you turn into Spidey. 

(Y/N): Oh brother. 

Rocker Girls: Your secret is safe with us! 


Cherry and Mystery: WE promise! 

(Y/N): Great! 

The two then sit beside you and begin kissing you! 

(Y/N): So sweet! 

You then kiss them back! 

Sour: Hey Kyoka, are we ever gonna get more girls living with us? 

Kyoka: What do you think?! 

Sour: Oh yeah, I guess so. (Y/N) really is lucky!

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