Battle for Earth!

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The Guardians had appeared from the ship. 

Sci-Twi: WOAH!! Aliens! They actually do exist! Uh .... do you come in peace? Oh wait, let me see here. 

Sci-Twi rummages through her stuff and she soon finds an alien translator that she built herself. 

Sci-Twi: Hello there, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and welcome to Earth, Guardians of the Galaxy. Do you think y- 

Rocket: For the love of shit kid, we can speak English alright? 

Sci-Twi just stares at Rocket. 

Sci-Twi: The Raccoon is talking. 

She collapses. 

Fluttershy: Awww! He looks soooo cute! And so does the dog! 

Cosmo: Da! Hello Pretty Lady! Cosmo would like belly rub very much, please! 

Fluttershy: I just want to pet the both of- 

Rocket: Don't even think about touching me, or I'll claw your eyes out. 

She freaks a bit at this! 

Soon ... 

Sci-Twi: Huh? What happened? 

Carol: You fainted after you heard Rocket talk Sci-Twi, I understand if this is a lot on you. 

Sci-Twi: Wait, was the talking raccoon real? What about the little tree thing on his shoulder? 

Groot: I AM GROOT! 

Sci-Twi: Oh sorry about that Groot. Wait what? 

Nova: Right, let me break it down, they're the guardians, the idiot there is Starlord. 

Starlord: HEY I HEARD THAT KID! I'm not a moron! 

Nova: The girl with the green skin is Gamora, she's the daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. 

Gamora: I would prefer if you didn't mention that. 

Spidey: And who's Sunshine over there? 

Carol: That's Drax, also known as the Destroyer. 

Drax: Also, looking at the sky, I don't really see so much sun, so why do you- 

Spidey: No that's not wh- 

Rocket: Yeah, he doesn't get metaphors. 

Adagio: Okay seriously! How is the Raccoon talking? 

Wasp: What? You're only concerned about the raccoon? 

Adam: He's Rocket, and pardon him, he comes off as standoffish. 

Rocket: Hey, what is that even supposed to mean orange boy? I'm one of a kind. 

Aria: Whatever you say Rat. 

Rocket: WHAT?! 

He tries to pull out his gun, but Quasar stops him. 

Quasar: Enough Rocket. 

After everyone calms down ... 

Spidey: So, this Ronan guy is coming to attack Earth? Why? What business does he have? 

Rocket: He wants the Soul Stone that Warlock here has. 

Sci-Twi looks at it. 

Sci-Twi: Interesting. 

Wasp: I don't get it. What's so special about some little rock? 

Adam: It's one of the Infinity Gems. They give immense power. 

Spidey: So, what can this one do? 

Adam: You don't want to know. 

Mantis: It can control life and death. 

Dazzlings: Neat! 

On the other hand ... 

Ronan appears right on a screen that is being broadcasted from the ship. 

Ronan: People of the rock known as earth, I am Ronan, the Grand Accuser of the Kree Empire, and I have come to judge your planet. Most of you won't make it and I am willing to take that Sacrifice as Blood for the Kree empire. Prepare all that you have because it will not be enough.

Many Kree ships begin to swarm the planet, but before he can even make preparations to come down, Carol bursts through a hole in the ship. 

Carol: Alright Asscusor, the time I send you on a one-way trip to another galaxy? 

Ronan: Why you insolent little- 

She punches him in the face!

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