Gardening with Ibara, Wallflower, and Gloriosa!!!

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You got to a secret compartment, where you slid down all the way into a nice trigarden! 

There you saw Ibara, Gloriosa, and Wallflower. 

Ibara was meditating in her light blue dress with her light blue nail polish in her vine garden. 

Wallflower was meditating in a red rose dress, with red nail polish, in her zen garden. 

Finally, Gloriosa was wearing a green dress with green nail polish in her flower garden. 

(Y/N): Hey there ladies!! 

Gloriosa: IBARA!! WALLFLOWER!!! IT'S (Y/N)!!! 

Ibara: (Y/N), Darling! 

Wallflower: (Y/N)!!!!!

They all rush to you and tackle hug you while kissing you everywhere!!!


Girls: SORRY!!

After that whole little mess finished .... 

You three go back up and you look around for some taco salad for them!

You three go back up and you look around for some taco salad for them!

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(Y/N): THere we go! Taco Salad! 

Ibara: How nice. I love Taco Salad! 

Gloriosa: So do I! 

Wallflower: And I do too!!!

The girls squee, and they begin to feast along with you. 

Ibara: SO GOOD!! Ah, peace with Mother Earth! 

Gloriosa: (Y/N), how do you make these? 

(Y/N): I watch Aunt May's cooking videos. 

Aunt May: (in your Mind) That's my Boy!

Wallflower: You have a very good taste in cooking!

(Y/N): Thanks! 

After they finish eating, you then bring out something else to eat!

After they finish eating, you then bring out something else to eat!

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Carbonara Pasta

Wallflower: Oh Carbonara! Thanks again!! This is a good one!!

Gloriosa: You're a great cook indeed! 

They begin sucking up the pasta, and you feed them as well, just to feed you in the end. 


The three girls then snuggle up with you and begin to kiss you everywhere! 

(Y/N): I love you girls!!

Ibara, Gloriosa, and Wallflower: We love you too (Y/N)!!

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