A Tale of A Spider, Three Pussycats, and a Silver Sable!

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You were currently accompanying Shino, Ryuko, and Tomoko in helping them to rescue a bunch of trapped citizens who were caught in a battle between Hydra and the Pack, Silver Sable!

Spidey: Oh great her.

Pixie-Bob: You know her?

Spidey: Silver Sable, she's the daughter of Crime boss, Silver Manfredi, also known as Silvermane.

Mandalay: Thought so, guess Hydra is making them get a lesson for turning on them.

Spidey: WHAT?!

Ragdoll: What you didn't know? The Pack were formerly employed by Hydra.

Spidey: Crap we got to help her!


Spidey: No, she's not that bad, she doesn't get innocents involved in her fights! We need to save her!

Mandalay: We'll change of plans, let's get those people to safety and get to Sable as well.

Ragdoll: YEAH! LET'S DO IT!!

At the battlefield ...

Several of the Hydra Soldiers were slaughtering the Pack troops, and Sable was being cornered!

Sable: YOU HYDRA SCUM!!! I told you I won't work for you anymore!!

The head commander grins as the firing stops.

Crossbones (Real Name: Brock Rumlow! Hydra Top Commander! Strong ass Assassin! Has no voice actor!)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Crossbones (Real Name: Brock Rumlow! Hydra Top Commander! Strong ass Assassin! Has no voice actor!)

He directions them to move in and keep shooting!

Sable: We'll, if I die then I'm going to die with dignity! WITH MY HONOR!!

Sable rushes in to attack them, and while she is shot a lot, she then feels the ground being manipulated and she is pulled over!!

Sable: What the?

Ryuko gets her to safety!

Sable: Who ar-

Pixie-Bob: I'm a friend of your little Spider buddy!


Pixie-Bob: Too bad! 

The Hydra agents are then webbed up, and you kick Crossbones in the face who tries to shoot you, only for you to get his weapons out of the way with your webs!!

He then throws a grenade at you, and you knock it back, sending you guys flying in different directions!

You shake it off, and well, you're brought back by both Shino and Tomoko!

Back at the Mansion...

Sable was laying on the couch with you and the Pussycats watching over her.

(Y/N): You okay there?

Sable: Ugh, I feel terrible.

Ryuko: Hey, we just saved your lives you know! How about a knuckle sandwich to teach you a lesson in being-

Shino stops her before any fighting could occur.

Shino: No Ryuko.

Tomoko: She's a little hot blooded.

Sable: Why did you save me? You know who my father is, so why?

(Y/N): Well, I- I just think you're not such a bad person, I mean, you're not nasty and cruel, and well you-

Sable: I think I get why, I seem to have a thing for fools like you Sp- No, (Y/N). I have had my eyes on you for sometime. You saved my life, and to hell with my father!!

She then brings you into a kiss!

Sable: I want you!

Pussycats: Oh boy!

They then begin to explain to Sable about your harem!

Sable: Well, I know where I'm going to be living then. Got any room here.

(Y/N): Sure I-

Minutes later ....

You were snuggling with Tomoko, Shino, Ryuko, and Sable.

(Y/N): I love you girls!

Shino, Tomoko, Ryuko, and Sable: AND WE LOVE YOU TOO! 

They give you one big kiss on the lips! 

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